1.打开Obsidian软件,点击左侧菜单栏的“+”按钮,创建一个新的笔记。 2.在新笔记中,输入关键词或主题,这将帮助我们找到相关的内容。 3.使用快捷键“Ctrl + L”(macOS:“Cmd + L”),打开链接面板。 4.在链接面板中,输入目标笔记的标题或关键词,搜索并选择相关笔记。 5.点击添加链接按钮,将新笔记与目标笔记...
ryangjchandler/commonmark-blade-block: 在 Markdown 模板中嵌入 Laravel Blade 代码。 roblaszczak/vgt: 可视化 Go 测试的缺失工具 October 17, 2024 amir9480/vscode-laravel-extra-intellisense: 该扩展为 VSCode 的 laravel 项目添加了额外的自动完成功能。 October 16, 2024 atk4/ui: 适用于 Web 应用程序的...
npm i hexo-link-obsidian -s yarn add hexo-link-obsidian 以下配置非必需,在your-hexo-project/_config.yml 或 _multiconfig.yml添加。 #Link Obsidianeasy_images:port:3333#必须和obsidian插件中的端口相匹配 Must be same as link-to-obsidian server port ...
"> </div> </div> <div class="rich-link-card-text"> <h1 class="rich-link-card-title">Obsidian Forum</h1> <p class="rich-link-card-description"> A place for Obsidian users to discuss Obsidian and knowledge management </p> <p class="rich-link-href"> https://forum.obsidian.md/ ...
Clark, C., Kappert, E.: Openpyxl — a Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files (2024). https://pypi.org/project/openpyxl/ Coblenz, M., et al.: Obsidian: typestate and assets for safer blockchain programming. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 42(3) (2020). https:/...
In the previous chapter, we examined the limits of urban micro-interventions from a Jacobsian Market Urbanist framework. Here we use that framework to address a different but related set of questions: To what extent is it feasible to consciously plan for
Well, when NVIDIA was designing NV4x, they decided it would be a good idea to include a section on the chip designed specifically to communicate with another GPU in order to share rendering duties. Through a combination of this block of transistors, the connection on the video card, and a...
Obsidian ଈ 【新插件 ★★★】Drag and Drop Blocks 亮点: - 单纯拖动 = 移动块 - Alt/Option + 拖动 = 块引用 - Shift + 拖动 = 复制块 你可以在搜索结果上拖动,快速生成块引用以及复制对应的结果。这个也可以用在代码块上,也就是你可以用在 admonition 这种多行内容或者 dataview 这种代码块上。
任何可以用石材造的物品都是。 门永远都不够用。 石座是岩石造的座椅。造石块(block)是减少要塞里的石材的好方法,因为规则的石块可以放在箱子(bin)里。 兵役的替代品 大量不管什么类型的陷阱系统可以大大减少不必要的冲突。制造陷阱需要花费很多很多时间,而安装了陷阱后唯一真正的麻烦就是清理不断堆积在武器陷阱中的...
Obsidian provides ways to extract text into a new note, either through its native features or various community plugins. However, there's a catch: what happens to all the block references pointing to that text? The Block Reference Challenge Let's say you have: // original-long-note.md A ...