Obsidian是一款强大的知识管理工具,通过创建链接Block,我们可以更好地将不同主题的知识点进行整合。接下来,我将详细介绍如何创建Obsidian链接Block。 二、具体步骤 1.打开Obsidian软件,点击左侧菜单栏的“+”按钮,创建一个新的笔记。 2.在新笔记中,输入关键词或主题,这将帮助我们找到相关的内容。 3.使用快捷键“...
clipboardWriteText(rawLink); this.obsidianProxy.createNotice("Link copied to your clipboard"); } } copyLinkToBlockUnderCursorToClipboard( file: TFile, editor: Editor, block: ListItemCache | SectionCache ) { if (block.id) { return this.obsidianProxy.clipboardWriteText( `${this.obsidianProxy...
ryangjchandler/commonmark-blade-block: 在 Markdown 模板中嵌入 Laravel Blade 代码。 roblaszczak/vgt: 可视化 Go 测试的缺失工具 October 17, 2024 amir9480/vscode-laravel-extra-intellisense: 该扩展为 VSCode 的 laravel 项目添加了额外的自动完成功能。 October 16, 2024 atk4/ui: 适用于 Web 应用程序的...
Strasbourg: Council of Europe. PACT: Journal of the European Study Group on Physical, Chemical, Biological and Mathematical Techniques Applied to Archaeology 25, pp. 57–87. Google Scholar Lane, C. S., Blockley, S. P. E., Bronk Ramsey, C., and Lotter, A. F., 2011. ...
Obsidian ଈ 【新插件 ★★★】Drag and Drop Blocks 亮点: - 单纯拖动 = 移动块 - Alt/Option + 拖动 = 块引用 - Shift + 拖动 = 复制块 你可以在搜索结果上拖动,快速生成块引用以及复制对应的结果。这个也可以用在代码块上,也就是你可以用在 admonition 这种多行内容或者 dataview 这种代码块上。
Obsidian provides ways to extract text into a new note, either through its native features or various community plugins. However, there's a catch: what happens to all the block references pointing to that text? The Block Reference Challenge Let's say you have: // original-long-note.md A ...
Hi-Folks/data-block: 用于处理、查询、过滤和设置嵌套数据结构的 PHP 软件包 July 1, 2024 starkdmi/BrightXDR: Vivid macOS 应用程序的免费开源替代软件,可将 Apple XDR 显示器亮度从 500 nits 提升至 1600 nits。 Ceelog/DictionaryByGPT4: 一本 GPT4 生成的单词书 📚,超过 8000 个单词分析,涵盖了词义...
Move the first note to a higher or lower directory. That doesn't look like a correct note link. Best use the note link dialog to see how to create a link to another Markdown note file (Ctrl + Shift + L). Author Yes, I am adding the link using the shortcutCtrl + Shift + L. ...
dahu/asif : uns a list of commands against a block of text (a list of lines) in a scratch buffer of a given filetype dbmrq/vim-dialect : quickly add to spellfile dccsillag/magma-nvim : NeoVim plugin for running code interactively with Jupyter devjoe/vim-codequery : Search source code...
Now go to a folder (in Windows, not in sandbox) within another partition (e.g.D:\) and either pick an existing folder or create a new one. Create a symbolic link of that folder and drop it into the Obsidian vault folder within the sandbox, should be the one you created atC:\ ...