在确保同步助手已经打开的情况下,在浏览器中输入http://localhost:7026/pdf/Obsidian 与书籍联系 然后你就可以用Link to Text Fragment在网页内选中任意文字后,右键点击复制任意文字,即可获得跳转到该文字的锚点 接下来只需要将它和你的文字结合起来即可。 具体细节请看另一篇文章:Obsidian 配合简悦实现方便的来源引用(...
链接(Link): 普通的Obsidian 链接如 [[Page]] 或者[[Page|Page Display]]。 列表(List): YAML中,其它dataview字段组成的列表将作为普通的YAML列表定义;对于内联字段,它们就只是逗号分隔的列表。 对象(Object):名称(name)到dataview字段的映射。这仅能在YAML扉页中利用通用的YANML对象语法进行定义。 对象语法: ...
file.ext Text The extension of the file type; generally md. file.link Link A link to the file. file.size Number The size (in bytes) of the file. file.ctime Date with Time The date that the file was created. file.cday Date The date that the file was created. file.mtime Date with...
In rich mode , support set up node background/stroke/text color/text size,if you want to change colors of node setup board , you can inputsetup board colorin setting tab please restart obsidian 左键移动思维导图 , 支持右键框选节点 , 框选节点后会弹出节点设置面板 ...
Durations: Add durations or add to dates to obtain new dates. Components like years, months, days, etc., can be accessed through indexing.Links: "Index through" links to access values on corresponding pages. For instance, [[Link]].value retrieves the value from page Link.Link ...
GitHub - lynchjames/note-refactor-obsidian: Allows for text selections to be copied (refactored) into new notes and notes to be split into other notes.这个插件我用的也比较多,在之前的文章中我介绍了使用它来整理笔记。它能快速对内容按大纲进行分割、选定内容移动、合并至其它笔记等功能。它比Obsidian...
Obsidian: A knowledge base that works on local Markdown files.obsidian.md/ 二. 常用插件 如下为我常用的插件(共计90多项),你可以在软件设置项中直接下载;如果因为网络问题不能下载,那么可用以下链接下载:宏沉一笑/obsidian-plugingitee.com/whghcyx/obsidian-plugin/tree/master/plugin DEVONlink-obsidian...
:ObsidianLinkNew [TITLE]to create a new note and link it to an inline visual selection of text. This command has one optional argument: the title of the new note. If not given, the selected text will be used as the title. :ObsidianWorkspace [NAME]to switch to another workspace. ...
nmap zz :scrollToCenterTop70p Surround Text with surround Vimrc Support 插件支持了 surround 特性,进一步搭配Admonition和code block from selections插件,无论在 normal mode 或 visual mode 下都可以通过sa{x}指令直接创建 admonition block 。 " Surround Admonition ...
What I really don't like is waiting seconds (seconds! How spoiled I am :) for the app to open, and that the full-text search option is buried. I don't use any other features except for a mutual link between my tbr library list and my already-borrowed list, to move entries from ...