I like using the obsidian-plotly plugin to render interactive figures in my notes. The Plotly figure is represented as JSON and placed in a code block, which is replaced with the rendered figure in the editor. However, when editing the note or interacting with the plot, the code block some...
The links inside the code-block to embed the other notes data are NOT links, so if you rename your targeted note the connection breaks. Dynbedded will not search for content between Header Levels, it will search for content between headers, seeIssue #2 ...
Do you want to see a quote that you created once, for example, in a daily note? There is a simple solution -One-time Quote! Just set theTemplate folderin the plugin's settings and use the special code block language. When a note is placed inside the template folder, the quote won'...
I like using the [obsidian-plotly](https://github.com/Dmytro-Shulha/obsidian-plotly) plugin to render interactive figures in my notes. The user pastes Plotly JSON inside a code block, which is displayed as the rendered figure. However, when editing the note or interacting with the plot, ...
I like using the obsidian-plotly plugin to render interactive figures in my notes. The Plotly figure is represented as JSON and placed in a code block, which is replaced with the rendered figure in the editor. However, when editing the note or interacting with the plot, the code block some...