出众的多视角激光片层扫描显微成像系统(Light Sheet Microscopy)能够记录大型活体样品的发育过程,对样品低损伤地成像,提供更多的信息。 成像速度极快:Lightsheet Z.1 是一款能以快速度获取光学切片的显微工具,可让您以亚细胞分辨率获得完整的样品图像,耗时却远少于采用其它技术所需的时间。 特点: 激光片层扫描显微技术...
Light sheet microscopy with the UltraMicroscope Platform goes beyond just an instrument. It's a comprehensive solution, providing the entire workflow, seamlessly integrated. Master the entire process, from optimal sample preparation with antibody staining and tissue clearing, to advanced data optimization ...
Sample handling is usually an important topic in the context of light sheet microscopy. TheTCSSP8DLSintegrates light sheet technology into an inverted confocal platform and can hence make use of general principles concerning sample mounting and xy-stage functionality. Here, we describe a s...
Light microscopySofteningStainingStem anatomyThin sectionWood anatomyThe need to produce high-quality thin sections of wood material encompasses many fields of scientific investigations. We present here an overview of some of the techniques used to produce high-quality thin sections of woody stems. The...
ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1 生物样品成像应用指南说明书 ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1 Imaging Biological Samples – a Reference List
Microscopy, ElectronThin foil specimens are widely used for examining the metallography of samples by TEM. Othermethods of sample preparation includes making powder of brittle materials in clean agate mortarand pestle, and sprinkling the () O H H6 CO V `, Specimen Anode I disc ci Cathode (l...
In light sheet microscopy, the sample is illuminated in a single plane either with a static light sheet gen- erated by cylindrical optics5 or by rapidly scanning a beam across the plane to form a virtual light sheet10. We developed our hyperspectral setup on the basis of a beam-scanning ...
Imaging framework for light-sheet microscopy of organoid growth We developed a multiscale imaging framework that comprehends acquisition, pre-processing, automated tracking, segmentation with further feature extraction as well as visualization dedicated for 3D live imaging (Fig. 1a). In this work, we...
(B) First SPED prototype as implemented on the CLARITY-optimized light sheet microscopy (COLM) backbone (Tomer et al., 2014). The large horizontal COLM sample chamber was filled with a specific refractive index (nb) liquid (1.454 was used for the majority of experiments) to implement the req...
Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) has become an important tool for biological and biomedical research. Although several illumination and detection strategies have been developed, the sample mounting still represents a cumbersome procedure as this is highly dependent on the type of sample and oft...