Let’s make a game! Game design is hard, but if you break up the process into small, achievable goals, you’ll be able to produce wonders. In this simple game tutorial,...
如何使用libgdx编写一个简单的游戏(一)— 雏形 写这几篇文章主要是看了这个系列的文章:http://www.raywenderlich.com/352/how-to-make-a-simple-iphone-game-with-cocos2d-tutorial 这个系列主要讲述了如何使用Cocos2D编写简单的游戏。稍微读读感觉不错,所以想写个libgdx版本的。 本篇文章主要讲述基本内容的编写,包...
如何使用libgdx编写一个简单的游戏(一)— 雏形 写这几篇文章主要是看了这个系列的文章:http://www.raywenderlich.com/352/how-to-make-a-simple-iphone-game-with-cocos2d-tutorial 这个系列主要讲述了如何使用Cocos2D编写简单的游戏。稍微读读感觉不错,所以想写个libgdx版本的。 本篇文章主要讲述基本内容的编写,包...
5)官方示例游戏 访问官方接水游戏:A Simple Game。完整代码资源位于:基于libGDX实现接水游戏。在第二节基础上,修改Drop.java代码如下:Drop.java代码示例:音频和图片资源存于assets目录,具体路径如下。Desktop运行效果示例:Android运行效果示例:声明:本文内容源自【libGDX】初识libGDX。
Using a camera Basic input processing Playing sound effects 游戏玩法 游戏的主要玩法有以下5点: 使用桶接水滴 桶只能左右移动 水滴会从顶部并加速下落 玩家可以通过鼠标或键盘来移动桶 游戏没有结束一说,可以一直玩 预览动图: 步骤 1.创建项目 由于我是要使用Kotlin开发,所以勾选了Kotlin开发的选项 ...
Welcome to our Wiki, a place for comprehensive documentation on the libGDX API and features. This wiki is community driven, and can be edited by anyone. If you find information...
I have created a simple game with libgdx in eclipse. The game runs fine when starting it in desktop mode. But when actually running it on my device I get the above mentioned error. The screen stays black and the game does not work....
LibGDX Demo: Cuboc游戏简介 A simple puzzle game, which demonstrates the use of LibGDX, a cross-platform game development framework.I have NOT made this sample game, so I deserve NO merits from it. I just downloaded the sources from github:https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/tree/master/demos...
Building a Simple Game Tutorials & Demos We provide the libGDXjavadocsonline for easy reference. Additionally, the javadocs are bundled with every libGDX distribution, ensuring smooth integration with your preferred IDE. Stay up to date with thelatest libGDX newsby following ourblog. For engaging ...
Building a Simple Game Tutorials & Demos We provide the libGDXjavadocsonline for easy reference. Additionally, the javadocs are bundled with every libGDX distribution, ensuring smooth integration with your preferred IDE. Community & Contribution ...