By default applets are allowed to use a restricted subset of Java. This is not enough for libgdx/lwjgl, so you need to sign ALL jars in theappletdir. It can be done by standard JDK tools (they may be not in your path though). First, create a keystore with one key. Run the follo...
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libgdx - Crossfading two sprites I have two sprites and I want to fade from one into the other like: But when I do this the blending is not right, the combined image becomes almost completely transparent around where alpha is 0.5. I'... ...
503 Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures 10 Android - swipe left|right . gesture detection 111 How to detect the swipe left or Right in Android? 1 how to handle left and right swipe 12 LibGDX - Get Swipe Up or swipe right etc.? 1 Detecting left and right swipe...
Firefox 30 ignores autocomplete="off" for passwords, opting to prompt the user instead whether the password should be stored on the client. Note the following commentary from May 5, 2014: The password manager always prompts if it wants to save a password. Passwords are not saved without permis...
libgdx - Crossfading two sprites I have two sprites and I want to fade from one into the other like: But when I do this the blending is not right, the combined image becomes almost completely transparent around where alpha is 0.5. I'......
It displays one page. I would like to display all pages. One below another, or place some buttons to change page or even better load all standard controls of PDF.JS like in Firefox. How to acomplish this? PDFJS has a member variablenumPages, so you'd just iterate through them.BUTit'...
For the second one, you have more options, like "i" in options to find using case insensitive. And about the "string", you can use like ".string." (%string%), or "string.*" (string%) and ".*string) (%string) for example. You can use a regular expression as you want. Share...
The simplest way to display last element in python is >>> list[-1:] # returns indexed value [3] >>> list[-1] # returns value 3 there are many other method to achieve such a goal but these are short and sweet to use. Share Improve this answer Follow edited Aug 21, 2012 at ...
"Short answer: you can't. To change the spacing between lines of text, you will have to subclass UILabel and roll your own drawTextInRect, or create multiple labels." See: Set UILabel line spacing This is a really old answer, and other have already addded the new and better way ...