Fellbaum, Christiane. 1999. Semantics via conceptual and lexical relations. In Evelyne Viegas (ed.), Breadth and Depth of Semantic Lexicons, 247-62. Dordreche: Kluwer Academic.Fellbaum, C. “Semantics via Conceptual and Lexical Relations”. In Breadth and Depth of the Lexicon . Ed. E. ...
Semantics:theStudyofMeaning (Cont’d)Today’slecture LexicalrelationsCognitiveapproachtosemantics Review1:SemanticRoles&SemanticStructure Howwouldyoudefinethesetofsemanticrolesforthefollowingverbs?fearvs.frightenfear[EXP___THEME]frighten[THEME___EXP]admire,likevs.interest,surprise ...
Our frames are inspired by Charles Fillmore’s frame semantics (Fillmore 1976): we also determine the semantics of lexemes (predominantly, physical qualities and verbs) by means of the situation, or scenario, they denote. However, while in the traditional Fillmorian definition which is widely acc...
In Generative Lexicon Theory, it is assumed that word meaning is structured on the basis of four generative factors, or ‘qualia roles,’ that capture how humans understand objects and relations in the world and provide the minimal explanation for the linguistic behavior of lexical items (these ...
in a principled and disciplined way the descriptive and generalizable facts about lexical relations that any formal theory of semantics will have to encompass. Among the topics covered in depth are idiomaticity, lexical ambiguity, synonymy, hierarchical relations such as hyponymy and meronymy, and ...
2、 to - the level of lexis and grammar, and the situational is related to - the level of semantics, the contextual relations between situation and form. Lexicology Lexicology studies the choice of specific Lexical items (units of vocabulary) in a text, their distribution in relation to one ...
词汇关系(lexical relations):词汇的上下位、互补、同义等关系都可以通过词汇分解进行定义。例如,A是B的上位词,当且仅当A的词汇分解中合取的特征集是B相应的特征集的真子集,例如下面的child就是girl的上位词。 词汇场结构(lexical field structure) 推理(inferences):词汇分解可以解释语义推理,例如从上面kill的词汇分...
InEnglish grammarandsemantics, acontent wordis a word that conveys information in a text orspeech act. It is also known as alexical word, lexical morpheme, substantive category, orcontentive,and can be contrasted with the termsfunction wordorgrammatical word. ...
Kubota In all these examples, the embedded subject is obligatorily coreferential with one of the matrix arguments (the orientation, that is, which of the matrix arguments is iden- tified as the controller, is determined by the lexical semantics of the matrix verb).3 Note also that in almost...
For example, Coseriu (2000) argues that lexical meaning has to be de-scribed only with respect to intralinguistic relations. Contextual realizations oflexical items are ratherad hoccategorizations that have no impact on the lan-guage system. These stances are not completely in accordance with Bald...