The aim of this paper is to evaluate the importance of semantic relations between words for the structure of a field. In order to do this, three notions 'lexical grouping', 'lexical field' and 'lexical net' are introduced. Each one of them can be seen as a candidate for the intuiti...
NLP methods and applications need to take account not only of "classical" lexical rela-tions, as found in WordNet, but the less-structural, more context-dependent "non-classical" relations that readers intuit in text. In a reader-based study of lexical relations in text, most were found to...
Evidence-for-lexical-and-semantic-relations-among-verbs网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 Evidence-for-lexical-and-semantic-relations-among-verbs 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Evidence for lexical and semantic relations among verbs 动词之间存在词汇和语义关系的证据
Query expansion using lexical-semantic relations 来自 Springer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 164 作者: EM Voorhees 摘要: Applications such as office automation, news filtering, help facilities in complex systems, and the like require the ability to retrieve documents from full-text databases where vocabulary ...
2009); certain chemical compounds can be instrumental when studying gustatory and olfactory lexical fields (Wnuk and Majid 2014). Within this approach, a set of elementary meanings usually takes the form of an etic grid (Evans 2010) comprised of all logically possible combinations of all the ...
1.Based on the theory of semantic fields,collocation and negative transfer,the paper discusses the reasons for Chinese English from the perspective of words.文章从词汇角度,运用语义场理论、搭配理论和语用负迁移理论探讨产生中国式英语的原因,并提出了预防中国式英语词汇的方法。 2.Based on the theory of...
Structuring the Arabic lexicon and thesaurus with lexical-semantic relations to support information retrieval. The goal of this research was to design and construct an Arabic lexicon-thesaurus designed for Information Retrieval, Language Understanding, and Text Gene... MM Al-Khrisat - Illinois ...
semantic_field Semanticfields Presenter:ChenYu Definition Semanticfieldanalysisusesfeaturestoshowtherelationshipoflexicalitemswithinafieldordomain.Example1.1 HouseholdTools iron(熨斗)toaster vacuumclearner others Example1.2 Metal iron(铁)zinc copper others Becauseeachfieldisexaminedseparately,polysemyisnotanissue(...
"The words in a semantic field share a common semantic property. Most often, fields are defined by subject matter, such as body parts, landforms, diseases, colors, foods, or kinship relations... "Let's consider some examples of semantic fields...The field of 'stages of life' is arranged...
Lecture 9 Hyponymy, Meronymy and Semantic Field Lecture9SenseRelationsbetweenWords(III)Hyponymy,TaxonomyandPartonomy Majorcontents 9.1Hyponymy(下义关系)9.2Taxonomy(分类关系)9.3Partonomy(部分整体关系)9.4Semanticfield(语义场) hyponymy...