semantic and lexical analysisdistillationtrend analysisThe development trends in a given field of research, are very important factors influencing decisions on R&D funding. The analysis of the thematic clusters of the publications allows for the identification of the structure of given field of research...
Semantic Scholar 相似文献Tremble and tremor: Etymology, usage patterns, and sound symbolism in the history of English Human beings have been shaking for millennia, and among the tremor disorders, essential tremor is the most common. 1,2 The original usage of the curious wo... ED Louis,CC Pal...
Discourses on governing diversity in Europe: Critical analysis of the White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue The investigation is conducted with a lexical and semantic analysis of the text in the White Paper and a discourse analysis of its rhetoric, in order ... Tuuli Lhdesmki,A Wagener - 《Int...
Lexical and semantic change语言学 Lexicalandsemanticchange Lexicalitemsarethebuildingblockofalanguage,andthechangesinthisaspectarecomparativelymoreobviousandnoticeable.Generallyspeaking,therearemainlytwopossiblewaysoflexicalchanges:theadditionandlossofwords,whichoftenreflectstheintroductionofnewobjectsandnotionsinsocial...
The paper outlines the basics of data collection, analysis and visualization under the frame-based approach to lexical typology and illustrates its methodology using the data of cross-linguistic research on verbs of falling. The framework reveals several challenges to semantic map modelling that usually...
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural DevelopmentBanda, F. (1991) A lexical-semantic and syntactic-grammatical analysis of Zambian English: Towards a 'meaning-to-grammar hypothesis' of classroom second language instruction. MA thesis, Free University Brussels....
Semantic analysis of lexical classes is a funda- mental step of semantic analysis based on stochastic semantic parsing. The lexical class is a single word or a word group with specific semantic information such as dates, times, cities, etc. Having obtained a set of lexical classes, a semantic...
Detecting Japanese Textual Entailment Using LFG Analysis and Lexical Resources We propose a method of Japanese semantic analysis with f(unctional)-structure, one of the analyses of LFG (Lexical Functional Grammar), aiming for high pre... H Umemoto,D Sugihara,T Ohkuma,... - 《Ipsj Sig Notes》...
1.of or pertaining to the words or vocabulary of a language, esp. as distinguished from its grammatical and syntactic aspects. 2.of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a lexicon. [1830–40] lex`i•cal′i•ty,n. lex′i•cal•ly,adv. ...
Therefore lexical analysis became the first step in processing Chinese sentences. Usually a lexicon is utilized to match words and provide their syntactic and semantic information in the process of lexical analysis. During the word matching process, problems of segmentation ambiguity and occurrences of ...