COVID-19 pandemicMEDICAL personnelCOVID-19This Viewpoint examines some of the missteps during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect health care workers and how to use lessons from those mistakes for future pandemics.Michaels, DavidWagner, Gregory R....
One critical lesson from COVID-19 is the need for clear, coordinated and science-based communication. Throughout the pandemic, misinformation proliferated, leading to vaccine hesitancy, resistance to public health measures and preventable deaths. The rapid spread of false information on social media an...
Many also find themselves making decisions at a speed, which would have been unthinkable in pre-COVID-19 times.What characterizes these organizations? What creates this kind of resilience? And how can organizations apply the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic so that in...
In the last decade Open Science principles have been successfully advocated for and are being slowly adopted in different research communities. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic many publishers and researchers have sped up their adoption of Open Scien
From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, public health agencies around the world failed to collect the information we needed to truly understand the role of work and workplaces in the spread of the virus. We saw this failure in Canada, the United Sta
Second, the growing body of evidence on COVID-19 transmissions between humans and animals further underscores the need to investigate and protect public and global health through the lens of One Health. Across the pandemic continuum, insights from research labs and real-world settings both confirm ...
Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic: Updating Our Approach to Masking in Health Care FacilitiesFREE doi:10.7326/L23-0449COVID-19Health careHealth care policyHealth care providersHospital medicineInfectious diseasesRespiratory infectionsRespiratory virusesSafetyAnnals of Internal MedicineEric J. Chow, MD, ...
The HVAC&R industry has been focusing on mitigating risk from the COVID-19 pandemic for almost two years. Between March 2020 when the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force (ETF) was formed and now, the task force's members and the industry as a whole have learned a great deal.ASHRAE Journal : Hea...
The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines and their deployment in less than a year is an unprecedented scientific, medical, and public health achievement. This rapid development leveraged knowledge from decades of HIV/AIDS research and advances. However, the search for an HIV vaccine that would ...
On December 31, 2019, Chinese authorities reported the first case of what would become known as COVID-19 to the World Health Organization (WHO), which declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern one month later. In the ensuing weeks, health care organizations, industry partners,...