Recruiting from schools that may not be within your typical network could position your firm to pull in fresh perspectives and improve your firm culture. We encourage you to be intentional about diversifying your talent pool! That means creating relationships with Private, State, and HBCU law ...
India: CSL Chambers, New Delhi Kenya: Kangwana & Co, Nairobi Malaysia: Shaikh David & Co (SDC), Kuala Lumpur Mongolia: MDS & Khan Lex LLP, Ulaanbaatar Other regulatory information Anti-money laundering In accordance with our own risk management policies or where required by applicable anti-mon...
Our weekly Tax & Legal Alerts provide you with information on different tax and legal issues in Romania.
Hi I have received a legal notice by my employer for Not Serving Notice period they have asked for 1 lakh Rupees and 15 000 as legal fees The details of my leav
In the case of Syndicate Bank v. Vijay Kumar 2 the Court was required to enforce the bank guarantee simplifiers without probing into the nature of the transactions between the Bank and the customer that led to the furnishing of the bank guarantee. In the case of Road Machines India (p) ...
Google Share on Facebook intermediate examination in common law product liability. There will be no liability if the defect could and should have been intercepted between the manufacturer and the consumer. The requirement is not usually literally interpreted. ...
Please note that we rely upon our legitimate business interests or your consent for processing your personal data and may also rely upon the necessity of contract in the event you are hired. Depending on the country where the job position is located, we may also rely upon complying with regul...
what % of hands you are playing from each position, or isolate different situations like how you handle being check-raised after you make a continuation bet on the flop. By concentrating on one small area of your game you can notice minute flaws and eliminate them to gain an overall ...
Whether retention is necessary in light of our legal position (such as in regard to applicable statutes of limitations, litigation or regulatory investigations). No Contact information, such as name, mailing address, email address McAfee’s group of companies Third-party service providers that provide...
legal reasons that prevent us from immediately, or otherwise ever, complying with your requests. In cases where we are not processing your personal information, we will indicate to you the physical or legal person to whom you should address your requests, if we are in the position to do so...