3. The leader-follower bond. 2. [Behavior, application to rearing]. which marked the shift of Chinese manufacturing in the area from a follower to a leader.We developed national universal standards,safety standards and product standards for full face tunnel boring machine for the first time....
该方法利用领航者的位置信息, 引入反步控制实现跟随A UV 对虚拟A UV 的轨迹跟踪, 实现三维水下编队控制; 结合人工势场的方法变换队形, 有效地避开障碍物, 顺利地通过障碍物区域。 仿真研究表明, 该方法编队时间短, 差错率低, 实现了预期的控制效果, 验证了算... ...
类名称:LeaderFollowerNIOStrategy 方法名:fireIOEvent LeaderFollowerNIOStrategy.fireIOEvent介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly @Override publicbooleanexecuteIoEvent(finalConnectionconnection, finalIOEventioEvent,finalbooleanisIoEventEnabled)throwsIOException{ ...