Leader-FollowingConsensusControlfor Multi-AgentSystemsUnderMeasurement Noises ⋆ Cui-QinMa,TaoLi,Ji-FengZhang KeyLaboratoryofSystemsandControl,InstituteofSystemsScience, AcademyofMathematicsandSystemsScience,ChineseAcademyof Sciences,Beijing100080,China(E-mail:cuiqinma@amss.ac) Abstract:Thispaperisconcernedwith...
Leader-following consensus control for networked multi-teleoperator systems with interval time-varying communication delays[J]. M. J. Park,S. M. Lee,J. W. Son,O. M. Kwon,E. J. Cha.Chinese Physics B. 2013(07)Leader—following consensus control for networked multi-teleoperator systems with...
Compared with the existing results on the consensus control of multiagent systems under DoS attacks, this article considers a class of feedforward multiagent systems with nonlinear functions that are less conservative, and takes into account asynchronous DoS attacks with attack detection delay. To ...
This paper is concerned with the joint effects of agent dynamic and network topology on leader-following consensus of continuous-time multi-agent systems. All the follower agents have identical MIMO linear dynamics which can be expressed in any order, while subject to different norm-bounded ...
over Finite FieldsXiangru Xu, Yiguang HongAbstract—The leader-following consensus problem of multi-agent systems over finite fields F p is considered in this paper.Dynamics of each agent is governed by a linear equationover F p , where a distributed control protocol is utilized bythe followers...
et al. Correction to: Fuzzy Adaptive Leader-Following Consensus Control for Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Unknown Control Directions. Int. J. Fuzzy Syst. 22, 748 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40815-020-00802-3 Download citation Published04 February 2020 Issue DateMarch 2020 DOIhttps:...
This paper proposes a leader-following consensus control for continuous-time double-integrator multi-agent systems in noisy communication environment with a constant velocity reference state. Each follower in the team inaccurately measures its neighbors' positions and the leader's position if this follower...
The leader鈥揻ollower consensus tracking is one of the important problems in multi-agent systems (MASs) which can be influenced by actuator faults. The main issue of the paper is fault occurrence, and the challenge is to design an appropriate decentralized fault-tolerant control (FTC) based on...
This control issue can be further classified into leaderless consensus control (see Ren & Beard, 2005 and many other references) and leader-following consensus control, such as Abdessameud et al., 2017, Arcak, 2007, Hong et al., 2006, Huang et al., 2017, Huang et al., 2015, Wang ...
In this paper, the leader-following consensus for discrete-time multi-agent systems with parameter uncertainties is investigated based on the event-triggered strategy. And the parameter uncertainty is assumed to be norm-bounded. A consensus protocol is designed based on the event-triggered strategy to...