“The biggest challenge is the first Sunday counsels because someone isn’t getting up to teach a lesson, but instead to facilitate a discussion about challenges and needs. It is also true that there have to be very clear rules set so that there is no discussion about things that are se...
LDS leaders teach that family and societal relationships are a part of mortal life for many purposes, including the need to learn to show love, acceptance, and compassion in ways that continue to allow agency. They teach that unrighteous dominion is never acceptable to God, and that with the...
this app was designed around Christian principles taught by the LDS faith. However, the app can be used by anyone of any faith to tailor to their own family values and core beliefs. My desire is that parents teach their children in their home, to learn and grow as a family in a safe...
I can see myself saying that sentence verbatim until about 8 years ago. But to this day I can’t describe a supposed miracle that occurred. Yes, I did teach many people and many of those folks converted. Many of them sacrificed greatly to do so. Some were rejected by their families, ...
This verse teaches the exact opposite of what Mormons would like for it to teach! It brings into stark contrast the deity—the Godhood—of Christ (and His Father Who "sanctified and sent" Him—vs. 36) with the absence of deity for all others! There are no other "gods" in the sense...
I love having ready-made resources that are quick and easy to use. I wanted to teach my kid preschool at home, but I didn’t have time to prep my own material. This fixes that for me. I also love that it is teaching them the gospel integrated with alphabet learning. ...
Wherever you teach, the LDS Media Library app gives you complete and searchable access to the Church media library. Complement Sunday lessons, Family Home Evenings, or missionary discussions with easy-to-find videos, images, and music content. The new app overcomes some of the problems the older...
Critic's comment: Do Mormon parents really teach their kids to pay tithing like this? Pay the church first and then pay what you can of bills that are left? It doesn't even mention other family needs like clothing or car maintenance. It bothers me greatly that there is nothing in this...
Note to the teacher: As you teach this lesson, focus on the Lord’s revealed words in the Doctrine and Covenants.Do not discuss speculative matters such as the timing of the Second Coming. Well, of course. Could you imagine? You might as well turn the class over to the crazies. ...
Someone you befriend for the sole purpose of converting them; 2. People you’re assigned to home/visiting teach. Faust: 1) Figure known for selling his soul to Satan. 2) Also subject of famous play by Goethe, Marlowe etc... not to be confused with 1). Fellowshipping: Harassment. ...