Inanother lesson, I pointed out that the idea of three kingdoms of glory was shamelessly pillaged from Emanuel Swedenborg, and other church leaders at the time even thought it was “a trial to many” and a “satanic revelation”. Well, much of the doctrine surrounding the three kingdoms com...
The essay claims that women lead the Relief Society, the Young Women, and the Primary. This is not accurate. Women don't actually lead organizations as they are presided over by men from the local level on up. Additionally, the women are instructed to recite the words, practically verbatim...
Penis: Patriarch's primary organ of communication. Most commonly played organ in church. Sword of spiteousness. The rod of God. Brigham's biggy. The iron rod. Root word i.e. Mel'schizeldick Penishood. Personages: Something-or-Otherages. Pestimony: A testimony from that friend or fam...
help build relationships and lift and comfort others. It is a difficult balance, this being in the world but not of it. Sometimes the two can become blurred and it is hard to tell where the line is. As long as we know where our primary focus should be and we remain aligned with the...
but why does "His True Church" put so much of an emphasis on it to make it a frequent topic of Sacrament Meeting talks, to put it in the Sunday School, Priesthood and Relief Society lessons, to create a novel way of teaching tithing to Primary children (i.e. the teacher gives the ...
Please bless the prophet and my primary teacher. Please don’t let Grandpa and Grandma get lost in the snow. Please hurry them up so mommy will stop biting her fingernails. Bless Grandma and Grandpa Hansen too. Amen.” “Daddy?” MaryJo asked quietly at few minutes later, “Why is ...
“You sisters who are called to serve in the Primary or the Young Women may miss the Relief Society class, but you do not really miss Relief Society; you belong to it” (Boyd K. Packer, The Relief Society, May 1998). “Some mothers in today’s world feel “cumbered” by home dutie...
Kids should not be present at adults’ activities unless there is an emergency, i.e. lack of Primary teachers on Sunday, illness, or something else that is out of the ordinary. This lady should know better, and those around her, including the bishop, should make the point of what is no...