These lessons are meant to be studied on a weekly basis, with some weeks having special events. You can sign up for e-mail notifications here: Email* I hope this will give those who are unfamiliar with theLDS Churcha basic idea of this book, often called the “Keystone of our Religion...
and the foolish one built on the sand, yada yada yada…, it didn’t exactly turn out well for the foolish guy. Growing up, my family sang the primary song based on this story at the end of
If it helps other parents out there, the 1st week we read The Boy Who Cried Wolf from Aesop’s fables [When we lie to others, they may not believe us even later if we are telling the truth.] and drew pictures to represent the story. We actually all worked together and made the sto...
The primary benefit of mipmapping is seen in the improved filtering when viewing the texture from far away. Without mipmapping, visible artifacts appear in the rendered image in the form of noise. Without mipmapping (left) visible noise will be present in objects far away from the screen. ...