Jacob RJ (2010) Bioinformatics for LC-MS/MS-based proteomics. Methods Mol Biol 658:61–91Jacob, RJ (2010) Bioinformatics for LC-MS/MS-based proteomics. Methods Mol Biol 658: pp. 61-91R.J. Jacob, Bioinformatics for LC-MS/MS-based proteomics, Methods Mol. Biol. 658 (2010) 61-91....
Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) has been widely used for profiling protein expression levels. This chapter is focused on LC-MS data preprocessing, which is a crucial step in the analysis of LC-MS based proteomics. We provide a high-level overview, highlight ...
摘要: Proteomics is defined as the large-scale study of proteins in particular for their structures and functions (Anderson and Anderson 1998), and investigations of proteins have become very important since they are the main components of the physiological metabolic pathways in...
BSI offers LC-MS/MS software and is dedicated to developing antibody protein sequencing with characterisation technologies.
高度异质性的蛋白质可能很难通过intact mass LC-MS进行分析,因为通常很难去卷积和解释复杂的光谱。然而...
During the biomarker discovery phase of our study, we used LC-MS-based proteomics with spectral counting, a semiquantitative approach to differential expression profiling, in paired cancerous and normal bile duct tissue samples from two cases. In total, 38 proteins up-regulated in the cancer ...
The power of LC/MS proteomics Learn about PTMScan technology for proteomics from CST. Enrichment of PTM peptides combined with mass spec. Click
Orbitrap LC-MS Orbitrap 质谱仪可实现最高水平的准确度和质量精度 从我们独特的 Orbitrap 质量分析仪的高分辨率准确质量 (HRAM) 性能优势中获益。Orbitrap 系统连接液相色谱仪,以增强未知和已知化合物的分离并实现高通量工作流程。 赛默飞世尔科技提供多款基于 Orbitrap 的 MS 系统产品组合,包括与离子阱和四极杆质量...
LC-MS来定量分析抗体有了更多的认识,相对LBA来说,LC-MS能提供更好的定量与定性结果,且抗分析干扰能力更强,更重要的是它能提供结构信息,这对于目前火热的ADC和BsAb来说,无疑是更好的选择,LC-MS的技术特点与LBA形成互补,给抗体药物研发带来了福音。 当生物大分子如抗体被引入到...