These relative pronouns agree in gender, person (if relevant), and number with the antecedent (the noun in the main clause that is modified in the relative clause), but its case is usually determined by the construction of the dependent clause, although occasionally, it comes from its antecede...
Relative clauses in Juridical Latin are strictly connected with the succession of subjunctive and indicative mood and with the use of demonstrative and determinative pronouns. Regarding the first point, we observed that the Opposition between indicative and subjunctive mood often expresses the Opposition ...
Pinkster, Harm. 2015.Oxford Latin syntax. Volume 1: The simple clause. Oxford: Oxford University Press.10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199283613.001.0001Search in Google Scholar Primus, Beatrice. 1998. The relative order of Recipient and Patient in the languages of Europe. In Anna Siewierska (ed.),Con...
Moreover, relative and demonstrative pronouns are exclusively found in an LEF-position in clause-initial ACs. These two observations give rise to a distinction between two types of LEF: pronoun fronting in initial ACs (LEF1) and XP-fronting in both initial and final ACs (LEF2).The syntax ...
We will first present the syntactic behavior of free relative clauses in Italian, by providing the students with examples in their native language to elicit grammaticality judgments and improve their familiarity with the construction. In the second part of ...
LatinIIReviewLatinIIReviewRelativePronounsRelativePronouns IntroducesubordinateclausesIntroducesubordinateclauses AgreewithantecedentAgreewithantecedentWhatways?Whatways? DescribestheantecedentDescribestheantecedentExamplesExamples multīaudītōrēssaturāsācrēstimēbantmultīaudītōrēssaturāsācrēstimēbantquāspoētarecitābat...
Accentual-syllabic verse gradually came to dominate by the late 1660s but there were other types as well: Classical quantitative verse, which had an impressive theoretical superstructure, Romance syllabic verse, also with a substantial body of theory, and the traditional stress-counting verse, such...
But a gr8JDll18.rian may perhaps not be accused of oversimplification if he suggests that conditional expressions 1n Latin may be resolved into two basic types. The elaborations described in the grammars, involving truth and untruth of conditions , vividness and vagueness uneasily coupled with ...
The only way to correctly interpret (12) is by understanding the plural as referring to different ‘sorts of’ sowing (here reflected in the English version through ‘methods’); this interpretation becomes evident by the relative clause quas rettulimus, which makes clear that these types of so...
Sununary Relative clauses in Juridical Latin are strictly connected with the succession of subjunctive and indicative mood and with the use of demonstrative and determinative pronouns. Regarding the first point, we observed that the Opposition between in