Free relative clausesItalianLatinGermanSyntaxTeachingIn this work we would like to present a new teaching proposal for free relative clauses, with a comparative perspective. The proposal is addressed to Italian learners of Latin and German with an advanced knowledge of the morpho-syntax of the ...
suchasfreerelativeclauses.Thiswillbehelpfultoadequatelycopewiththis specificconstruction,butitwillalsoimprovetheoverallskills. Keywords:freerelativeclauses;Italian;Latin;German;syntax;teaching. Resumo Nestetrabalhovimosproporumanovatécnicadeensinodasoraçõesrelativas ...
Moreover, relative and demonstrative pronouns are exclusively found in an LEF-position in clause-initial ACs. These two observations give rise to a distinction between two types of LEF: pronoun fronting in initial ACs (LEF1) and XP-fronting in both initial and final ACs (LEF2).The syntax ...
2015. Oxford Latin syntax. Vol. 1. The simple clause. Oxford: Oxford University Press.10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199283613.001.0001Search in Google Scholar Pustejovsky, James. 1996 [1995]. The generative lexicon, 2nd edn. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Search in Google Scholar ...
Pinkster, Harm. 2015.Oxford Latin syntax. Volume 1: The simple clause. Oxford: Oxford University Press.10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199283613.001.0001Search in Google Scholar Primus, Beatrice. 1998. The relative order of Recipient and Patient in the languages of Europe. In Anna Siewierska (ed.),Con...
Latin for Beginners英文电子资料.pdf,Latin for Beginners 1 Latin for Beginners Part I is devoted to pronunciation, quantity, accent, and kindred Part I is devoted to pronunciation, quantity, accent, and kindred Part II carries the work through the first s
2015. The Oxford Latin Syntax. In The Simple Clause. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Google Scholar] Poletto, Cecilia. 2008. On negative doubling. Quaderni di Lavoro ASIt 8: 57–84. [Google Scholar] Poletto, Cecilia. 2014. Word Order in Old Italian. New York and Oxford: Oxford ...
It's obvious that a fluent reader must have a thorough knowledge of Latin grammatical forms and syntax -- there can be a great number of possibilities to sift through for each word. Fluency takes practice, and lots of it. But the work does get easier, and eventually it becomes automatic ...
constituent order in clauses ‐ in relative and interrogative clausesclause structure, main and subordinate clauses ‐ well‐formed sentence of Latin, semantic predicationtraditional teaching of Latin, in schools ‐ impressing pupils, “IntroductionMeaning and Sentence StructureConstituency and Discontinuity...
Latin syntax, and sentences - largest linguistic structures, syntactic rules statedgrammatically, well-formed sentences of language - infinite in number, most never been written or utteredtypical grammar, permissible parts of sentences - formulating rules...