Relative clauses in Latin refer to clauses introduced by relative pronouns or relative adverbs. The relative clause construction includes a main or independent clause modified by its dependent of subordinate clause. It is the subordinate clause that holds the relative pronoun or relative adverb giving...
Relative clauses in Juridical Latin are strictly connected with the succession of subjunctive and indicative mood and with the use of demonstrative and determinative pronouns. Regarding the first point, we observed that the Opposition between indicative and subjunctive mood often expresses the Opposition ...
In Romanian, subjunctive is not allowed in FC-FRs (cf. Farkas 1985 for subjunctive in Romanian and Italian with special focus on its use in headed relative clauses and Farkas 1992 for the distribution of subjunctive in complement clauses in Romanian). Instead, another non-indicative mood—the...
Latin. A bibliogra-phy of studies on Latin relative clauses can be found in Lavency’s survey (1998: 131–133), which summarizes his extensive research on the matter. For an analysis of Latinrelative clauses within Indo-European languages, see the classic treatment in Delbrück(1900: 400–...
(linguistics)A type of adjective that inflects like a relative clause, rather than a true adjective, in certainBantulanguages. Synonyms See also Wikisaurus:relative Translations someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption ...
Relative Clause Latin Example I like the girl who sits under the tree. I like the girl A simple sentence easily translated into Latin: Ego amo puellam puellam=acc. (direct object) sing. fem. who sits under the tree. We need to choose a sing. fem. Latin relative pronoun to agree with...
the proposal we will present the syntactic behavior of free relative clauses in Latin and German to lead the students to compare the three languages and identify the different constraints which can be at work. We will show that this method turns to be very ...
1.Considered in comparison or relation to something else:an animal with a large brain relative to body size; the relative quiet of the suburbs. 2.Having pertinence or relevance; connected or related:How are those remarks relative to the discussion?
First, it is an exhaustive analysis of relative clauses in the Hebrew Bible. I examine every type of Biblical Hebrew relative word and every type of Biblical Hebrew relative clause in order to identify the salient structural and pragmatic features concerning this clause type. In particular, I ...
First recorded in 1350–1400;Middle Englishrelatif(noun), either fromMiddle Frenchor fromLate Latinrelātīvus(adjective);relate,-ive Discover More Idioms and Phrases Idioms it’s all's all relative ( def ). Discover More Example Sentences ...