/newcommand{/thechapter}{/arabic{chapter}} /newcommand{/thesection}{/thechapter./arabic{section}} /newcommand{/thesubsection}{/thesection./arabic{subsection}} 1.2)Commands with arguments带参数的命令 在上例中,如果有Y1,...,Yn或者Z1,...,Zn的组合时,又该如何定义命令让它满足呢?我们可以定义/yve...
1.1)Commands without arguments不带参数的命令 我们先来说明/newcommand不带参数的情况。当LaTeX有一个固定的组合或用户命令经常用它自身的名字重复使用时,应用它。 例如:X1,...,Xn的结构,我们可以定义一条命令来表示这种结构。 /newcommand{/xvec}{x_1,/ldots,x_n} 当调用/xvec时,将插入已定义的命令和文本...
1.1)Commands without arguments不带参数的命令 我们先来说明/newcommand不带参数的情况。当LaTeX有一个固定的组合或用户命令经常用它自身的名字重复使用时,应用它。 例如:X1,...,Xn的结构,我们可以定义一条命令来表示这种结构。 /newcommand{/xvec}{x_1,/ldots,x_n} 当调用/xvec时,将插入已定义的命令和文本...
arguments: img_path Only img path of the formula. optional arguments: -h, --help show...
\newcommand{\yahei}[1]{\fontspec{Microsoft YaHei}\selectfont{#1}} \titleformat{\section} % Customise the \section command {\Large\scshape\raggedright\yahei} % Make the \section headers large (\Large), % small capitals (\scshape) and left aligned (\raggedright) ...
(#1428) Handle optional arguments in newcommand for mathjax. (#1430) Declare \left, \right as a pair. (#1433) Fix .fls and .aux file discovery with relative outDir. (#1433) Make structure and manger honor texDirs. (#1435) Remove a file from texFileTree when it is deleted. (...
In fact,\vpagerefand\vpageref*allow even more control when used with their two optional arguments. The first argument specifies the text to be used in this particular case if the label and reference fall on the same page. Similarly, the second optional argument can be used to specify the...
Stands for arguments in a macro definition (see \newcommand & \renewcommand). ‘~’ Produces a nonbreakable interword space (see ~, \nobreakspace). See Printing special characters, for how to typeset these characters when you need them literally. Next: Environment syntax, Previous: Input...
An optional macro argument alters the effective width of the accented characters. See the arcs docu- mentation for more information. Table 26: semtrans Accents Aa \D{A}\D{a} Aa \U{A}\U{a} ¨¨ ˘ ˘ Aa \T{A}\T{a}∗ \T is not actually an accent but a command that ...