If [numarg] is omitted then the environment does not accept any arguments—such as the boxed environment defined in the next example; optarg_default makes the first argument optional and provides a default value—i.e., it is the value used if an optional argument value is not provided; ...
The standard classes, article, report and book support 3 different font sizes, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt (by default 10pt). The font size is set through the optional argument, e.g.: \documentclass[12pt]{report} use the extsizes package. It allows for the following font sizes: 8pt, 9pt, 10...
Environment optional argument intellisense works again. [9.4.1] - 2023-01-08 Fixed Allow for parentheses in pkg/doc options for intellisense. [9.4.0] - 2023-01-08 Added Base beamer and tikz intellisense. (#3612) Intelli-package dependency obeys package options. (#3628) More concise ...
This includes the case where environment-name ends in a star (*); both the \begin and \end texts must include the star. Environments may have arguments, including optional arguments. This example produces a table. The first argument is optional (and causes the table to be aligned on its...
Environment**\begin{he name of the environment} \end{he name of the environment}* Command \commandname[options]{argument} Defining a new environment Just as with commands, you can define new environments. [edit] Defining simple environments The new environment definition is achieved by the \newe...
The jobname argument of the compiling tool, which is used by the extension to find project files (e.g., PDF and SyncTeX files). typedefault value string"" This config should be set identical to the value provided to the-jobname=argument, and should not have placeholders. Leave the config...
There is no{tikzpicture}environment, here. Instead, the little command\tikzis used. This command either takes one argument or collects everything up to the next semicolon (;) and puts it inside a{tikzpicture}environment. The next thing Karl wants to do is to draw the circle. For this,...
2008 % --- \newdimen\bibindent \setcounter{enumi}{1} \bibindent=0em \def\thebibliography#1{% \ifnum\addauflag=0\addauthorsection\global\addauflag=1\fi \section[References]{% <=== OPTIONAL ARGUMENT ADDED HERE {References} % was uppercased but this affects pdf bookmarks (SP/GM ...
Overcomes LaTeX’s “8-character limit” by a new optional argument for \listfiles, indicating number of characters to be reserved for base filenames, e.g. accounting for “longnamefilelist.sty”: \listfiles[16] — view example outcome —showing combination with myfilist —while ...
Each letter is produced by a separate letter environment, having the name and address of the recipient as its mandatory argument. The letter itself begins with an \opening command that is used to generate the salutation. The main body of the lecture is ordinary LaTeX input. ...