/DeclareRobustCommand*{<cmd>}[<num>][<default>]{<definition>} This command takes the same arguments as /newcommand but it declares a robust command, even if some code within the <definition> is fragile. You can use this command to define new robust commands, or to redefine existing comman...
(see the luacolor package documentation)\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor}\usepackage{luacolor}% Create a convenience command to typeset Hindi\newcommand\hinditext[1]{\foreignlanguage{hindi}{#1}}% Create a convenience command to typeset Arabic\newcommand\arabictext[1]{\foreignlanguage{arabic}{#1}}...
/DeclareRobustCommand*{<cmd>}[<num>][<default>]{<definition>} This command takes the same arguments as /newcommand but it declares a robust command, even if some code within the <definition> is fragile. You can use this command to define new robust commands, or to redefine existing comman...
\renewcommand{cmd}[args][default]{definition} Thesecommandsdefine(orredefine)acommand: •cmd:acommanmebeginningwitha\.For\newcommanditmustnotbealready definedandmustnotbeginwith\end;for\renewcommanditmustalreadybedefined. •args:anintegerfrom1to9denotingthenumberofargumentsofthecommandbeing defined.The...
latex并不难,latex也不是艺术,而是给Knowledge Engineers的一个撰文工具,仅此而已。一篇文章真正的价值在于里面的发现和思维逻辑,文本、图片、排版都只是形式罢了。如果没有好的内容,就是做的再漂亮,也不会得到别人的认可。可是,大家都是俗人,都还是会喜欢美轮美奂的东西。形式很多时候也不可缺,可以帮助推销自己的...
(#3657) A condition bug on newcommand detection. [9.4.5] - 2023-01-13 Fixed New command finder now honors argument and optional one list. Entries in bibtex-entries.first should also be sorted. (#3585) A better description to latex.watch.files.ignore config. (#3640) Resolve a pac...
26 \def\MT@old@cmd#1#2{\MT@warning{% 27 \string#1 is deprecated. Please use\MessageBreak 28 \string#2 instead}% 29 \let#1#2#2} 30 \newcommand*\DeclareMicroTypeSet{% 31 \MT@old@cmd\DeclareMicroTypeSet 32 \DeclareMicrotypeSet} 33 \newcommand*\UseMicroTypeSet{% 34 \MT@old@cmd\...
\newcommand{\yahei}[1]{\fontspec{Microsoft YaHei}\selectfont{#1}} \titleformat{\section} % Customise the \section command {\Large\scshape\raggedright\yahei} % Make the \section headers large (\Large), % small capitals (\scshape) and left aligned (\raggedright) ...
Stands for arguments in a macro definition (see \newcommand & \renewcommand). ‘~’ Produces a nonbreakable interword space (see ~, \nobreakspace). See Printing special characters, for how to typeset these characters when you need them literally. Next: Environment syntax, Previous: Input...