The lat pulldown is one of the best back exercises to pack on muscle mass. It places the lats under immense stretch with load, creating greater mechanical
Dumbbell pullovers don’t look anything like lat pulldowns, but they’re still a useful lat pulldown alternative. They work your lats like pulldowns but involve your pecs too. While there are pullover machines you can use, not every gym has one, and the dumbbell version is pretty effec...
The lat pulldown exercise strengthens your latissimus dorsi, the largest muscle in your back. A lat pulldown bar resembles a pullup bar. It is straight in the middle with a slight bend down in the bar on both ends. You sit while performing a lat pulldown. With your hands positioned nea...
A recent study suggested an alternative model wherein YAP-TEAD activation induces expression of secreted Wnt antagonists, thereby countering canonical Wnt signaling (Park et al., 2015). Although considered as the major downstream mediator of YAP/TAZ signaling output, the physiological roles of the ...
but it is still a very nice machine. It too has a 300-lb weight stack with a 1:1 ratio, large upholstered rollers, and no need for cable changes when switching between lat pulldowns and rows. It even has the advantage of 10-lb weight increments rather than 15-lb increments. So far...