Ansys Zemax是一套综合性的光学设计软件,它提供先进的、且符合工业标准的分析、优化、公差分析功能,能够快速准确的完成光学成像及照明设计。 三种不同的版本:Professional,Premium,Enterprise Zemax有三种不同的版本:Professional是专业版,包含序列光学系统设计、非...
ZEMAX激光二极管偏振分束器二极管激光器输出功率标准光纤We represent a design of a 20 W, fiber-coupled diode laser module based on 26 single emitters at 520 nm.The module can produce more than 20 W output power from a standard fiber with core diameter of 400 m and numerical aperture(NA) of...
但如果在實驗室中透過適當的方法,也可能量測出Astigmatism長度。 如果是在非序列模式下,帶有Astigmatism的橢圓形高斯光束的可以利用「Source Diode」光源物件來模擬。而在序列模式中,我們則可以利用理想圓柱透鏡 (Paraxial XY) 的設置,加上點光源來完成。由於Astigmatism的特性即是X與Y方向的焦點位置不同,因此我們可以...
We propose a design of a 36 W fiber-coupled green diode laser based on TO-Can packaged emitters using Zemax. This is achieved by beam collimation, spatial beam combining, polarized beam combining and fiber coupling. The simulation results show that the combined beam can be coupled into a ...
Using the method of the geometrical optics,optical system used for collimating and focusing fast-axis and slow-axis semiconductor laser beam is designed and its result is simulated by zemax.This system using ellipse cylinder lens and cylinder lens at fast-axis and two cylinder lens at slow-axis...
Hi everyone,i am trying to design a refractive beam shaper to generate a collimated top hat beam of emitting beam from a laser diode.Approach: To simpli...
According to the characteristics of divergence angles in far field from 650 nm laser diode light source used in laser range finders and integrated with the theory of aspheric optics design,the image aberration of the aspheric collimating lens is simulated and calculated by ZEMAX software and the op...
diOde [5~7] . ThepurpOseOfthispaperistOprOvidea methOdfOrdesi nin acOuplin hemisphericallens tippedOntOataperedSMF,andverifyitusin eXperimentresults.ptimumlensradiusOf curvature,Optimumintervalbet eenlaserand fiber,maXimumcOuplin efficiency,and misali nmenteffectsarediscussed. 2 l o V o Abasic...
Design of high-brightness 976nm fiber-coupled laser diodes based on ZEMAX Fiber-coupled laser diodes have become essential sources for fiber laser pumping and direct energy applications. To obtain high power, high brightness semi... L Hou,Z He,X Li,... - Selected Papers from Conferences of ...
4.1 The design of the prototype and the construction of the bench In this section, the experiment on the theoretical model proposed by the self-powered electromagnetic displacement sensor is evaluated the applicability of the theoretical model in a specific environment and the accuracy of the theoreti...