In this paper, analysis of beam shaping and homogenization of high power diode laser stack into a line focus with dimension of 10 mm 脳 0.5 mm was reported. The beam shaping and homogenization was simulated by using ZemaX-ray tracing technique. The results have shown that intensity distribution...
In the sensor, the semiconductor laser emits laser beams, and a linear-array sensor like a linear CCD receives the reflected laser beam. The distance is determined from the position of the linear-array sensor where the reflected laser beam arrives. The spatial resolution ranges from nm to mm ...
analysiscOntainssOmeusualapprOXimatiOns [ ] , namelynOlOssfOrtransmissiOn, aussianfield distributiOnsfOrbOththesOurceandthefiber, perfectmatchin OfthepOlarizatiOnOfthefieldOf thefiberandthatonthelenssurfaceandfinally angularwidthofthelenslargeenoughtointercept theentirepowerradiatedbythesourcefortypical valuesoflens...
Hi everyone,i am trying to design a refractive beam shaper to generate a collimated top hat beam of emitting beam from a laser diode.Approach: To simpli... Surface to beam 就是你的光束起點不在Start Surface上 。在POP中你會指定Start Surface與End Surface。本來beam會從Start Surface出...
The bottom diagram shows the line scan path during the milling experiment, where the blue circles represent the focused beam location and the red lines indicate the beam path along the substrate. Table 1 The scanning range corresponding to the TAG lens power is simulated in Zemax with 5 × ...
High-performance F-Theta objective lenses for demanding applications in laser material processing Powerful and robust lenses for the high demands of your laser beam guidance system Quick selectionFind the right fit for your specific application
can consequently be absorbed by the Nd3+ ion due to the six Nd3+ absorption wavelengths centered at 592 nm, 586 nm, 579 nm, 569 nm, 531 nm, and 527 nm [18], an effective source power of 57.2W × 15.3% × 30% = 2.63 W was hence attributed to Source 2 in Zemax® analysis. ...
Direct laser writing (DLW) has been shown to render 3D polymeric optical components, including lenses, beam expanders, and mirrors, with submicrometer precision. However, these printed structures are limited to the refractive index and dispersive propert