high power diode laser stackhomogeneitypumping applicationsIn this paper, analysis of beam shaping and homogenization of high power diode laser stack into a line focus with dimension of 10 mm 脳 0.5 mm was reported. The beam shaping and homogenization was simulated by using ZemaX-ray tracing ...
The analysis of energy balance and beam quality is performed in two linked steps: first by means ray tracing simulations (ZEMAX) and second, by validation. Quality of the weld seams is analyzed in terms of the process parameters (welding speed, laser power and clamping pressure) by visual ...
The layout diagram of the coaxial two-mirror result obtained after implementing in the optical design software Ansys ZEMAX OpticStudio 2023 is shown in Figure 5a. By maintaining the system’s symmetry about the x-center field, namely the YOZ plane in Figure 5, perform elements decenter and tilt...
The system, validated experimentally and through ZEMAX ray tracing simulations, includes a reference beam to suppress thermal drift, achieving sub-nanometer displacement stability of 0.246 nm and 0.465 nm in-plane and out-of-plane, respectively, within 30 s. As shown in Figure 2c,d, Yin et ...
这样子zemax得出的结果不就是不符合实际的情况? 请赐教 弥勒 发表于 2011-9-27 09:44 只说一下自己的看法,不负责正确性的论证。 1.光纤有点像一个搅拌器,会将入射的光束进行匀化。多模光进去 ... 大师你快回来 同一主题资料: understanding high-power fiber-optic laser beam delivery.pdf (96.69 kb) ...
Table 1 The scanning range corresponding to the TAG lens power is simulated in Zemax with 5 × and 15 × objectives Lens power (m − 1) 0.45 0.61 0.76 0.91 1.06 1.21 RT (5 ×) (mm) 0.73 0.99 1.24 1.51 1.80 2.09 RT( 15 ×) (mm) 0.09 0.14 0.16 0.19 0.23 0.27 a 0 (m–1)...
Optical design software Zemax was used to choose the focal distance of aspherical lenses for maximization of the pump and signal coupling. The average output power of the laser was 4.0 W at maximum pump power of 8.1 W, showing an overall efficiency of ∼50%. For a pulse repetition rate ...
1a, along with zoomed-in views of the Zemax (Kirkland, WA) optical model in Fig. 1b, c. An akinetic all-semiconductor programmable swept laser source (Insight Photonics Solutions; Lafayette, CO) centered at 1316 nm was used (detailed in the “Methods” section). A collimated beam ...
5.3.1 High average power pump diodes ... 86 5.3.2 Zemax simulations of pump-coupling... 86 5.3.3 Fiber properties... 89 5.4 Dielectric grating compressor ...
The light-guide assemblies of different apertures D are designed in the AUTOCAD© program and then exported to the ZEMAX© software, where the optimum mounting positions for the light-guide assembly, the laser rod and the 2V-shaped pump cavity are found. Maximum absorbed pump power and ...