Laravel Version: 6.6.2 PHP Version: 7.2.19 Laravel-admin: 1.7 Description: In model form for News resource I want to have select field to be able to change category of every news. protected function detail($id) { $show = new Show(News::f...
'select' => "so_id", 'sort_field'=>'so_id' ), 's_name'=>array( 'title'=>'学生姓名', 'relationship' => 'StuInfo', 'select' => '(:table).s_name', ), 'soc_name'=>array( 'title'=>'课程名称', 'relationship' => 'SobjectInfo', 'select' => '(:table).soc_name', )...
文档:https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/forms/fields/select#customizing-the-relationship-option-labels最新问题 Angular 6 到 12 迁移:收到多个警告:Css Minimizer 插件:> 意外的“$” 为什么当函数体为空时,文档字符串足以满足 python 对函数的定义? 子查询有不存在的字段,但整个SQL运行没有任何错误 Keycloak...
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Color; Color::make('Color', 'label_color'), Country Field The Country field generates a Select field containing a list of the world's countries. The field will store the country's corresponding two-letter code: php use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Country; Country::make...
But now I have a special case where I have an additional BelongsTo relationship from the pivot table to a third table (states). I tried to define a BelongsTo Field in the pivot Fields, but that is not working. BelongsToMany::make('Companies','companies',Company::class)->fields(newComp...
我正在使用 Laravel 和 Filament 开发一个系统,其中我有一个工作订单表单,可以为某些设备创建工作订单。我已经使用WorkOrder模型中的belongsTo定义了WorkOrder模型和Device模型。我想填写与我选择的设备相关的字段。如何实现?这是我的代码:Select::make('device_id'...
select * from phones where user_id = 1Take note that Eloquent assumes the foreign key of the relationship based on the model name. In this case, Phone model is assumed to use a user_id foreign key. If you wish to override this convention, you may pass a second argument to the hasOne...
"SQLSTATE[42S22]:Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'messages.conversations_id' in 'where clause'(SQL: select * from `messages` where `messages`.`conversations_id` in (1, 2))", I can't seem to figure out where I've gone wrong. Improvement of code will be a bon...
最受欢迎的可能是这些:classUserextendsModel{protected$table='users';protected$fillable= ['email','password'];// which fields can be filled with User::create()protected$dates= ['created_at','deleted_at'];// which fields will be Carbon-izedprotected$appends= ['field1','field2'];// ...