By passing an array to with() you can add constraints to the query.$posts = Post::with([ 'survey' => function ($query) { $query->withCount('totalSurveys'); }, 'survey.surveyOptions', 'image', 'categories' ...
foreach (json_decode($values) as $key => $value) { $this->crud->query = $this->crud->query->whereHas('roles', function ($query) use ($value) { $query->where('role_id', $value); }); } }); if(!request('roles')){ $this->crud->addClause('whereHas', 'roles'); } $use...
$query = Order::query(); $query->whereHas('tracking', function ($query) use ($request) { return $query->where('status', '=', 'Paid'); }); $orders = $query->paginate(10); but this make a query in all tracking, and I need query only if the last status is like Paid. And ...
Once the relationship is defined, you may access the user's roles using the roles dynamic property:$user = App\User::find(1); foreach ($user->roles as $role) { // }Of course, like all other relationship types, you may call the roles method to continue chaining query constraints onto...
laravel model relationship laravel支持多种模型之间的relation,对应着模型间的one2one, one2many,many2many,hasManyThrough,Polymorphic, many2many polymorphic关系。 心法 1.所有relation都由model class上的方法来定义; 2. relationship和model本身都是以query builder作为基类的,因此对relation的操作也可以使用类似...
* Instantiate a new HasManyFromStr relationship. * * @param Builder $query * @param Model $parent * @param $foreignKey * @param $localKey * @param string $separator * @return HasManyFromStr */protectedfunctionnewHasManyFromStr(Builder$query,Model$parent,$foreignKey,$localKey,$separator=',...
我将在这里定义关系式并假设 你有一个表order_events,它有一个名为order_id的外部列,对吗?
$users=Topic::with('latestPost')->get()->sortByDesc('latestPost.created_at'); 9. Eloquent::when() – no more if-else’s 我们中的许多人用 “ if-else ” 编写条件查询,如下所示: if(request('filter_by')=='likes'){$query->where('likes','>',request('likes_amount',0));}if(req...
我将在这里定义关系式并假设 你有一个表order_events,它有一个名为order_id的外部列,对吗?
如下所示:$users = App\User::with(['posts' => function ($query) { $query->where('title', 'like', '%first%'); }])->get();在这个例子里,Eloquent 只会预加载标题包含 first 的文章。当然,你也可以调用其它的 查询语句构造器 来进一步自定义预加载的操作:...