When I create a one-to-one relationship migration, laravel creates a one-to-many relationship. PHP 7.1 & MySQL 5.7 The models are: Persona & User. Persona: publicfunctionuser(){return$this->hasOne('App\User','persona_id','id'); } User: publicfunctionpersona(){return$this->belon...
} class Car extends Model { public function classified() { return $this->morphOne(Classified::class, 'vehicle'); } } My question here is: How can Iretrieve the vehicle information from the Classified, usingrelationships? Thanks in advance! method tovehicle() Then:...
One To ManyA "one-to-many" relationship is used to define relationships where a single model owns any amount of other models. For example, a blog post may have an infinite number of comments. Like all other Eloquent relationships, one-to-many relationships are defined by placing a function...
考虑以下关系结构(使用Laravel雄辩的关系): Assessment --> belongsToMany --> Users Assessment --> hasMany --> Action Item Action Item --> belongsToMany --> Users 实际上,这意味着可以将单个评估分配给许多不同的用户,然后一旦创建了一个操作项,就可以将该项分配给任何或所有这些用户。目前,我有一个...
In Laravel 5.3, all "pivot" table models for belongsToMany relationships used the same built-in Pivot model instance. In Laravel 5.4, you may define custom models for your pivot tables. If you would like to define a custom model to represent the intermediate table of your relationship, use...
useIlluminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; classTenantextendsModel { /** * Get the rent of a Tenant */ publicfunctionrent() { return$this->hasOne(Rent::class); } } 因为eloquent根据父模型的名称(本例中是Tenant)来确定外键关联,Rent模型假定存在一个tenant_id外键。
1. 每一个 Model 中都指定表名 2. has one account 这样的关系写成 `hasOneAccount()` 而不是简单的 `account()` 3. 每次使用模型间关系的时候都写全参数,不要省略 相应的,如果使用 belongsTo() 关系,应该这么写: <?php class Account extends Eloquent { ...
HasOne::make('meter') should display info natively, not like a hasMany relationship jbrooksuk added this to the v3.x milestone Jul 27, 2020 jbrooksuk added the needs more info label Jul 27, 2020 Member jbrooksuk commented Jul 27, 2020 Can you please provide some screenshots as to...
public function children(){ return $this->hasManyMerged(Child::class, ["id_mother","id_father"]); }This is not the exact escenario where I need the relation because the real one is far too complicated to use as an example. But it's essentially the same. I need to get bot parents...