laravel支持多种模型之间的relation,对应着模型间的one2one, one2many,many2many,hasManyThrough,Polymorphic, many2many polymorphic关系。 心法 1.所有relation都由model class上的方法来定义; 2. relationship和model本身都是以query builder作为基类的,因此对relation的操作也可以使用类似query builder的方法,比如:可以...
0 Issue with Laravel model relationships 0 Model Relationship issue in Laravel Hot Network Questions Is there a law against biohacking your pet? In compound nouns is there a way to distinguish which is the subject or the object? Advice needed: Team needs developers, but company isn't ...
laravel model relationship laravel支援多種模型之間的relation,對應著模型間的one2one, one2many,many2many,hasManyThrough,Polymorphic, many2many polymorphic關係。 心法 1.所有relation都由model class上的方法來定義; 2. relationship和model本身都是以query builder作為基類的,因此對relation的操作也可以使用類似quer...
I also tried something stupid like: $movies->year() =array('movie_year'=>$tmp['movieyears']); I don't know how to update the Years Model, which has a relation with the Movie Model.
in HasAttributes at line 539 mixed getRelationValue(string $key) Get a relationship. Parameters string $key Return Value mixed in HasAttributes at line 568 bool isRelation(string $key) Determine if the given key is a relationship method on the model. Parameters string $key Return Value...
Laravel提示:Call to undefined relationship [xxx] on model [xxx]?错误,如图: 产生这种错误的原因一般是代码存在编写错误,仔细检查一下代码找到错误的地方即可。仅以我的错误举例: 错误代码: $bj = Bjdm::with(['xss.xb,xy,zy'])->find($id); ...
可以看到,关联的加载带有缓存,laravel首先会验证当前关联关系是否已经被加载,如果加载过,那么直接返回缓存结果。 protectedfunctiongetRelationshipFromMethod($method) { $relation=$this->$method(); if(!$relationinstanceofRelation){ thrownewLogicException(get_class($this).'::'.$method.' must return a relati...
增加三个辅助层的laravel Model: Repository: Service:处理商业逻辑,然后注入到controller。 Controller: Presenter: View:
Descendants are all categories in a sub tree, i.e. children of category, children of children, etc.// #1 Using relationship $result = $category->descendants; // #2 Using a query $result = $category->descendants()->get(); // #3 Getting descendants by primary key $result = app('rin...
Laravel 9.x Eloquent method with return error Call to undefined relationship [customer] on model \App\Models\SaleOrderGeneral