1.所有relation都由model class上的方法来定义; 2. relationship和model本身都是以query builder作为基类的,因此对relation的操作也可以使用类似query builder的方法,比如:可以支持级联; 3.Dynamic property of model:这是 model->relation方式引用的结果,这种方式直接返回relation model的value,不支持query builder的级联...
2. relationship和model本身都是以query builder作為基類的,因此對relation的操作也可以使用類似query builder的方法,比如:可以支援級聯; 3.Dynamic property of model:這是 model->relation方式引用的結果,這種方式直接返回relation model的value,不支援query builder的級聯操作,這是和model->relation()方法呼叫的本質區別。
// Relation 1 to n from Customer model to Device modelpublicfunctiondevices(){return$this->hasMany('App\Device')->withTrashed(); } Note I've added withTrashed, because I've ALWAYS the need to retrieve softDeleted data. The problem
一对一关系(One-to-One Relationship):一对一关系是指两个模型之间存在唯一的关联。例如,一个用户只能有一个个人资料,而一个个人资料也只能属于一个用户。在Laravel中,我们可以使用hasOne和belongsTo方法来定义一对一关系。 一对多关系(One-to-Many Relationship):一对多关系是指一个模型可以关联多个其他模型。例如,...
The eye is on the $movies->year row, everything else works fine. I also tried something stupid like: $movies->year() =array('movie_year'=>$tmp['movieyears']); I don't know how to update the Years Model, which has a relation with the Movie Model....
1. 每一个 Model 中都指定表名 2. has one account 这样的关系写成 `hasOneAccount()` 而不是简单的 `account()` 3. 每次使用模型间关系的时候都写全参数,不要省略 相应的,如果使用 belongsTo() 关系,应该这么写: <?php class Account extends Eloquent { ...
Define a one-to-one relationship. HasOne newHasOne(Builder $query, Model $parent, string $foreignKey, string $localKey) Instantiate a new HasOne relationship. HasOneThrough hasOneThrough(string $related, string $through, string|null $firstKey = null, string|null $secondKey = null, stri...
useIlluminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; classMTestextendsModel { useHasFactory; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 嗯,就这么简单,一个模型类就创建成功了。接下来我们就来使用它进行增删改查的操作。 增删改查 首先,我们先来看一个新增的例子。
return $this->hasOne('App\Phone'); } }The first argument passed to the hasOne method is the name of the related model. Once the relationship is defined, we may retrieve the related record using Eloquent's dynamic properties. Dynamic properties allow you to access relationship methods as if...
[$key];}// If the "attribute" exists as a method on the model, we will just assume// it is a relationship and will load and return results from the query// and hydrate the relationship's value on the "relationships" array.if(method_exists($this,$key)){return$this->getRelationship...