Get the client IP address. array ips() Get the client IP addresses. string|null userAgent() Get the client user agent. $this merge(array $input) Merge new input into the current request's input array. $this replace(array $input) Replace the input for the current request. mi...
ip() Get the client IP address. from Request array ips() Get the client IP addresses. from Request string|null userAgent() Get the client user agent. from Request $this merge(array $input) Merge new input into the current request's input array. from Request $this mergeIfMiss...
{ # Connect IP:Port server weight=5 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s; # Connect UnixSocket Stream file, tips: put the socket file in the /dev/shm directory to get better performance #server unix:/yourpath/laravel-s-test/storage/laravels.sock weight=5 max_fails=3 fail_...
IPinfo Laravel Client Library This is the official Laravel client library for theIPinfo.ioIP address API, allowing you to look up your own IP address, or get any of the following details for an IP: IP geolocation(city, region, country, postal code, latitude, and longitude) ...
hostname=laravel-fastCGI ipaddress= client:hostnmae=client ipaddress= 2.2、yum源的安装 In lfSer 1 2 3 4 yum install-y https://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el6/latest.rpm yum install-y httpd php56w php56w-fpm php56w-mysql php56w-pdo php56w-mbstring php56w-mcrypt...
# 新建一个socket给服务端返回我们的payloadprint("建立连接!")conn2,address2=sk2.accept()conn2.send(payload)conn2.close()print("断开连接!")else:conn.send(b"150 \n")print(conn.recv(20))exit()# 第一次连接是下载文件,需要告诉客户端下载已经结束ifcount==1:conn.send(b"226 \n")conn.close...
Route::get('foo', function () {}); 默认路由文件 Route::get('/user', 'UserController@index'); 可用的路由方法 路由器允许你注册能响应任何 HTTP 请求的路由:请求方式包含[get/post/put/delete/patch/options]; 有的时候你可能需要注册一个可响应多个 HTTP 请求的路由,这时你可以使用 match 方法,也可...
$worker->registerAddress ='';// 用于和Gateway进程通信,与Gateway进程的注册地址保持一致 Events.php 中只负责两件事: 第一件、当客户端建立连接时,在 onConnect 回调中把 client_id 发送给客户端(让客户端通过 AJAX 请求 Web 框架去绑定 uid 与 client_id)。
docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' myredis 1. 2. 测试: 主数据库可以读和写,从数据库只能读数据 3、哨兵模式 1、概述 Redis-Sentinel (哨兵模式)是高可用解决方案,当 redis 在做 master-slave 的高可用方案时,假如 master 宕机了,redis 本身(以及其很多客户端)都没有实现自动进行主...