The Shadowfax is a package that runs your Laravel application on Swoole. Installation You may use Composer to install Shadowfax to your project: composer require huang-yi/shadowfax If you are using Lumen, you need to register the service provider manually in bootstrap/app.php: $app->register(...
docker inspect myphp |grep '"IPAddress"' 或者 docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' myphp // 创建两个nginx 配置文件 touch /data/nginx/conf.d/ /data/nginx/conf.d/ // 1、配置第一个文件 vim /data/nginx/conf.d/laravel...
PHP 7.4 development environment with PHP-FPM, Nginx and MySQL 5.7 to run Laravel applications using Docker and Docker Compose. - GitHub - dyarleniber/laravel7-docker: PHP 7.4 development environment with PHP-FPM, Nginx and MySQL 5.7 to run Laravel applic
Yesterday i was trying to download laravel 10 project using composer command i found following error: " Problem 1 - laravel/framework [v10.0.0, ..., v10.0.3] require composer-runtime-api ^2.2 -> found composer-runtime-api[2.1.0] but it does not match the constraint....
I had using laravel 5.3 previously, but now I just upgraded to laravel 5.4, Now I try to configure Laravel passport but I got following problems, Problem 1 : Can any one help me how to resolve this pr... Backbone - on change not consoling.. what is wrong?
$ docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' container_name 再用获取到的 IP 连接即可: $ mysql -h -P 3306 --protocol=tcp -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. ...
Resolve Laravel Passport 2.0 installation Error I had using laravel 5.3 previously, but now I just upgraded to laravel 5.4, Now I try to configure Laravel passport but I got following problems, Problem 1 : Can any one help me how to resolve this pr... ...
if data.endswith('\n'): print(last_line) last_line = '' return last_line sshUsername = "SSH USERNAME" sshPassword = "SSH PASSWORD" sshServer = "SSH SERVER ADDRESS" connection = ssh(sshServer, sshUsername, sshPassword) connection.open_shell() connection.send_shell('cmd1') connection....
挺早以前在我写过一篇用Docker搭建LNMP开发环境的文章:用Docker搭建Laravel开发环境,里面详细介绍了将 nginx、 mysql和 php三个容器用docker-compose编排成 LNMP开发环境的步骤,今天来说说怎么用Docker快速搭建 Go语言项目的开发环境。因为靠Go本身自带的标准库就能实现高性能的 HTTP服务器,不熟悉的同学买它,呃说错了,...
Laravel访问出错提示:`Warning: require(/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or di解决方法 本文实例讲述了Laravel框架访问出错提示:`Warning require(vendorautoload.php) failed to open stream No such file or dire解决方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 错误信息: `Warning: requ...