The throttling is unique to the user's username / e-mail address and their IP address.If you would like to rate limit other routes in your application, check out the rate limiting documentation.Manually Authenticating UsersNote that you are not required to use the authentication controllers ...
* User: guofu * Date: 2020/5/18 * Time: 上午11:29 * @param Request $request */ public function checkCaptcha(Request $request) { $url='';//国内的js $code=$request->get("code"); $data=[ 'secret' =>'你的密钥,注意:和网站密钥不...
The throttling is unique to the user's username / email address and their IP address.If you would like to rate limit other routes in your application, check out the rate limiting documentation.Manually Authenticating UsersYou are not required to use the authentication scaffolding included with ...
real_server 80 { #真实服务器,包括IP和端口号 weight 1 #默认为1,0为失效 inhibit_on_failure #在服务器健康检查失效时,将其设为0,而不是直接从ipvs中删除 TCP_CHECK { #通过tcpcheck判断RealServer的健康状态 connect_timeout 10 #连接超时时间 nb_get_retry 3 #重连次数 delay_before_retr...
Check all the data we have for your IP addresshere. Getting Started You'll need an IPinfo API access token, which you can get by signing up for a free account at The free plan is limited to 50,000 requests per month, and doesn't include some of the data...
smtp_server # nginx 服务器的 ip 地址 smtp_connect_timeout 30 router_id LVS_DEVEL } vrrp_script chk_http_port { script "/usr/local/src/" interval 2 #(检测脚本执行的间隔) weight 2 } vrrp_instance VI_1 { ...
Checkto see if the issue you arereporting is a duplicateof a previous reported issue. Following these instructions show me that you have tried. If you have a questions send me an email Need some help, I can do my best on Slack:https://opensourcehelpgroup.slack....
扫一下_ignition/health-check以及flare/health-check吧 by the way,整篇文章的精华都在脚本了? 参考: THANKS FOR WAITCHING About us 陌陌安全
unlink($checkOldImgPath); } // 原版, 不好使, 上面为重写, 但是只是删除单个图片 // if ($this->storage->exists($this->original)) { // $this->storage->delete($this->original); // } } 覆写内置视图 如果有需要自己修改view,但是不方便直接修改laravel-admin的情况,可以用下面的办法解决: ...
- sail healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin", "ping", "-p${DB_PASSWORD}"] retries: 3 timeout: 5s redis: image: 'redis:alpine' ports: - '${FORWARD_REDIS_PORT:-6379}:6379' volumes: - 'sail-redis:/data' networks: - sail healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "ping"]...