ip() Get the client IP address. array ips() Get the client IP addresses. string|null userAgent() Get the client user agent. $this merge(array $input) Merge new input into the current request's input array. $this replace(array $input) Replace the input for the current req...
Request IP AddressThe ip method may be used to retrieve the IP address of the client that made the request to your application:$ipAddress = $request->ip();If you would like to retrieve an array of IP addresses, including all of the client IP addesses that were forwarded by proxies, ...
IP2Location Laravel extension enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection type, area code, weather, MCC, MNC, mobile brand name, elevation, usage type, IP address type and IAB adverti
IPLocator::isSuccessful()Get the status of request either succeed or not. IPLocator::getCarrierDetails()Get Mobile Carrier details of an IP Address. IPLocator::getErrorResponse()Get complete error details if there is any. IPLocator::getLanguages()Get the language details of IP Address location...
socket()sk2.bind((host,1234))sk2.listen()# 计数器,用于区分是第几次ftp连接count=1while1:conn,address=sk.accept()conn.send(b"200\n")print(conn.recv(20))# USER aaa\r\n 客户端传来用户名ifcount==1:conn.send(b"220 ready\n")else:conn.send(b"200 ready\n")print(conn.recv(...
在Laravel中获取IP地址是一项常见的任务,可以通过多种方式来实现。以下是几种常用的方法,并附有相应的代码示例: 1. 使用Request对象的ip()方法 Laravel的Request对象提供了ip()方法,可以直接在控制器中使用它来获取客户端的IP地址。 php use Illuminate\Http\Request; public function getIndex(Request $request) {...
public function getUserIp(Request $request) { // 获取远程用户的IP地址 return $user_ip_address = $request->ip(); } Q17. 如何在Laravel模型中使用自定义表? 答:我们可以通过重写Eloquent的$table属性来在Laravel中使用自定义表。以下是一个示例: ...
$users->union($organizations)->paginate(10); return response()->json($invitees); } private function users() { $users = User::byState($approved = true, 'is_approved') ->search()->select([ 'id', DB::raw("CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS name"), 'about', 'address',…...