Once the Lapsang Souchong leaves have undergone the meticulous production process, they are then shipped to us, where we manufacture the tea bags in our warehouse in Pluckley, Kent. We take great pride in using biodegradable, plastic-free tea bag paper, ensuring that our packaging is environmenta...
Lapsang Souchong茶 加工工艺 发酵 包装 袋, 盒, 大包装, 罐头, 礼品装 其他属性 保质期 36个月 原产地 Fujian, China 产品种类 红茶 性状 散茶 茶龄 1到2岁 特性 保健茶, 有机茶, 减肥茶 等级 超细 单件重量 (千克) 5 品牌 HPS 型号 HB019 姓名 中国黑散叶茶Lapsang Souchong Tarry红茶 材料 松散茶叶...
History of Lapsang Souchong TeaThe legend about the origin of Lapsang Souchong is that the smoking process was discovered by accident. An army is said to have camped in a tea factory that was full of drying leaves which had to be moved to accommodate the soldiers. When the soldiers left, ...
Lapsang souchong is a type of black tea that originated from the Wu Yi region of the Fujian province in China. It is a unique type of tea due to the fact that its leaves are traditionally smoke-dried over pinewood fires, taking on a special smoky flavor. This process also results in va...
Highlite - zero calorie premium sparkling tea - brewed in small batches from Lapsang Souchong tea leaves handpicked on Wuyi Mountain 附加信息 大小 275ml 瓶数/每箱 24 原产地 China 您可能对这些商品感兴趣 吉发得黑莓味利口酒 ¥125.00 宾得宝姜汁饮料(6 x 375ml) ¥95.00 活福珍藏...
Various kinds of Lapsang Souchong Tea are shown at Vicony Teas, oversea door to door service is available here.
Lapsang Souchong (ˈlæpsæŋ suːˈʃɒŋ) n (Cookery) a large-leafed variety of China tea with a slightly smoky flavour Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 20...
Lapsang Souchong Black Tea (Organic) Black Tea (22) Caffeine Level:Medium Region:FuJan,China Flavor Note:Smoky yet refreshing A unique Chinese black tea with strong smoky flavor. The dry leaves have an aroma reminiscent of a camp fire. Its signature flavor is achieved during the drying process...
Lapsang Souchong is a black tea from the Fujian province of China, famous for its smoky aroma and flavor. To create this, the finished tea is given some extra drying over smoking pine fire, imparting a sweet, clean smoky flavor to the tea. Lapsang Soucho
Premium Chocolate Honey Caramel Fujian Wuyi Lapsang Souchong Wild Tree Spring Tea Summary Origin: Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Province, China Season: Spring Tea Harvest Date: April 23, 2024 Dry Leaf: Leaves are thick, robust, tightly rolled strips Aroma: Smelling of pleasant Longan aroma Liquor...