Link to This ReviewRead Full ReviewBailz (50 reviews) Lapsang Souchong from Stash TeaStyle: Lapsang Souchong –Region: Fujian, China60 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5 Dec. 15th, 2020 Prep: 4tsp, 200F, 4 minute steep. Going strong on this guy. First infusion notes. Aroma...
Review of Lapsang Souchong Smoky Black Tea November 12th, 2019 Aroma Flavor Value Total 10 of 10 4 of 5 4 of 5 75 of 100 Outstanding Good Good Value I'm not much of a fan of smoky teas. It's really a matter of personal history. It takes me back to a house filled with fire ...
Lapsang Souchong is a black tea from the Fujian province of China, famous for its smoky aroma and flavor. To create this, the finished tea is given some extra drying over smoking pine fire, imparting a sweet, clean smoky flavor to the tea. Lapsang Soucho
Black Tea Lapsang Souchong Black Tea (Organic) Black Tea (22) Caffeine Level:Medium Region:FuJan,China Flavor Note:Smoky yet refreshing A unique Chinese black tea with strong smoky flavor. The dry leaves have an aroma reminiscent of a camp fire. Its signature flavor is achieved during the dry...
Lapsang Souchong茶 加工工艺 发酵 包装 袋, 盒, 大包装, 罐头, 礼品装 其他属性 保质期 36个月 原产地 Fujian, China 产品种类 红茶 性状 散茶 茶龄 1到2岁 特性 保健茶, 有机茶, 减肥茶 等级 超细 单件重量 (千克) 5 品牌 HPS 型号 HB019 姓名 中国黑散叶茶Lapsang Souchong Tarry红茶 材料 松散茶叶...
Lapsang Souchong Wild Black Tea is known as Cai Cha Lapsang Souchong by the local people. You might assume that all lapsang souchong teas have a bitter, smoky taste, as long as you have some knowledge of the traditional pine-tree drying process used to make it; this time, however, since...
香水时代(提供瑞雯斯科特药剂 Ravenscourt Apothecary Lapsang Souchong Tea香水的评论,香评,怎么样,好闻吗,多少钱,真假鉴别,香调表,正品细节图,真假对比图。
美[ˌlæpsæŋ 'su:ʃɒŋ] 英[ˌlæpsæŋ 'su:ʃɒŋ] un.一种茶叶的商标名 网络正山小种;正山小种红茶;普山小种 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 lapsang-souchong n. 1. 正山小种红茶(有烟熏味)a type of tea that has a taste like smoke ...
由于武夷山正山小种最初是由福州口岸进口的,国外也用福州口音称正山小种为“Lapsang Souchong”。在福州方言中,松明发“Le”的音,以松材熏焙过则发“LeXun”的音,“Lapsang”是“LeXun”的谐音,“Sou—chong”是“小种”的谐音,因此“Lapsang Souchong”按照字面对译过来应为“松烟熏过的小种茶”。可见,“...