Portuguese public universitiesThis paper explores the recent policy decision about the teaching of Ottoman Turkish at high schools in Turkey and unpacks its historical, political, and social undercurrents. It theoretically rests upon Spolsky's [2004. Language policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University ...
As the first study addressing family language policy (FLP) in d/Deaf-parented families in China, the current research explores language ideologies, practices and management held by different members within the families. Children of d/Deaf adults (Co...
to increase access to modern foreign/second languages at primary level, voluntary generalist primary teachers with some proficiency in relevant languages were provided with intensive professional development in language teaching methodology with a view to their implementing the policy in their schools. On...
This paper examines the formulation of China’s foreign language policy on primary English education issued in 2001, specifically exploring factors contributing to the formulation of the policy and problems in its formulation. Drawing upon official documents, newspaper archives, publications, and an inter...
"From a language policy to classroom practice: the intervention of identity and relationships". Language and Education, Vol. 16, No 4, pp. 260-282.Breen, M. P. (2002). From a language policy to classroom practice: The intervention of identity and relationships. Language and Education, 16,...
of advancing the interests of the state (Illich,1979; Mignolo,2003). François I of France, shortly thereafter likewise saw the importance of language policy in the interest of national hegemony (Christ,1997). With the rise of common public schooling during the nineteenth century in a number ...
Public and private schools in territorial TucsonElise DuBord Educational institutions developed in Tucson, Arizona in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, during a critical time in cultural and political shifts of power between Anglo and Mexican elites in Southwestern United States. My ...
(e) Schools should devise a holistic MOI strategy as part of the whole-schoollanguage policyandenhance the transparency of information on their [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk (e) 學校應在其全校參與的語文政策下,制訂其教學語言策略,並增加有關教學語言安排的資料的透明度,以便家長選擇...
Language education policy includes decisions about which languages are to be used as a medium of instruction and/or taught in schools, as well as analysis of these policies within their social, ethnic, religious, political, cultural and economic contexts. The journal aims to continue its ...
asia-and-the-pacific-policy-studies.csl asia-and-the-pacific-policy-studies.csl Reindent/reorder Jun 22, 2014 asia-pacific-journal-of-human-resources.csl asia-pacific-journal-of-human-resources.csl Create asia-pacific-journal-of-human-resources.csl (#3586) Jul 6, 2018 asian-journal-of-neurosu...