Map handling framework for automated driving. Contribute to fzi-forschungszentrum-informatik/Lanelet2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
lanelet2_core Use TYPED_TEST_SUITE over deprecated TYPED_TEST_CASE in unit tests 4年前 lanelet2_examples Format files 4年前 lanelet2_io 1.1.1 4年前 lanelet2_maps Distinguish relations and their members in maps 4年前
lanelet2_core doc include res src Attribute.cpp BasicRegulatoryElements.cpp Lanelet.cpp LaneletMap.cpp LaneletSequence.cpp LineStringGeometry.cpp PolygonTriangulationGeometry.cpp RegulatoryElement.cpp RegulatoryElementGeometry.cpp test CHANGELOG.rst ...
在项目界面上方菜单栏点击Window---Package Manager,然后在弹出的界面点击左上角的“+”---Add package from disk,选择Autoware Maptool Box解压路径中的package.json文件,等待半分钟,加载完成即插件导入完成。 导入完成后,在左侧工具栏空白处单击右键会出现 Autoware---AutowareADASMap的工具,点击后在右侧工具栏有插...
Lanelet2 is a C++ library for handling map data in the context of automated driving. It is designed to utilize high-definition map data in order to efficiently handle the challenges posed to a vehicle in complex traffic scenarios. Flexibility and extensibility are some of the core principles to...
<name>lanelet2_traffic_rules</name> <version>1.2.1</version> <version>1.2.2</version> <description>Package for interpreting traffic rules in a lanelet map</description> <license>BSD</license> 3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions 3 lanelet2_validation/CHANGELOG.rst Original file...
Map handling framework for automated driving. Contribute to mindthink/Lanelet2 development by creating an account on GitHub.