B 2005, 109, 17, 8428–8430] presented a way to derive the Landau-Zener formula beyond the weak coupling limit using complex plan integration. Here, we summarize the result for beyond weak coupling limit: (16)Pna(ϕ2→ϕ1)=Pa(ψ−→ψ−)=|A~(∞)|2=1−exp[−2πℏ...
Landau-Zener formulae from adiabatic transition histories - Betz, Teufel () Citation Context ...rrors. We will actually need an exponentially accurate solution to this equation in the whole ξ domain. Here we will give a simple version of the corresponding result which is analogous to the one...
内容提示: The Landau-Zener Formula †Curt Wittig*Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-0482ReceiVed: September 24, 2004; In Final Form: March 4, 2005The Landau-Zener formula for the probability that a nonadiabatic transition has taken place is...
A nonlinear Landau-Zener formula 下载积分: 1200 内容提示: arXiv:1211.7195v2 [math.AP] 10 Apr 2013A NONLINEAR LANDAU-ZENER FORMULAR ´ EMI CARLES AND CLOTILDE FERMANIAN-KAMMERERAbstract. We consider a system of two coupled ordinary differential equa-tions which appears as an envelope equation ...
Applying an exact third order nonlinear differential equation we construct an advanced fifth order polynomial equation for the final transition probability serving as a highly accurate generalized Landau-Zener formula.doi:10.1209/0295-5075/90/30007Ishkhanyan...
A generalized Landau-Zener formula is derived, taking into account the geometric nature of the wavefunctions. The obtained formula shows that nonreciprocal tunneling probability originates from the difference in the Berry connections of the Bloch wavefunctions across the band gap, i.e., shift vector...
A nonlinear Landau-Zener formula DOI: 10.1007/s10955-013-0785-x Rémi Carles,Clotilde Fermanian Kammerer Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstract: We consider a system of two coupled ordinary differential equations which appears as an envelope equation in Bose-Einstein Condensation. Th...
A comprehensive theory of the Landau-Zener transition in quadratic nonlinear two-state systems is developed. A compact analytic formula involving elementary functions only is derived for the final transition probability. The formula provides a highly accurate approximation for the whole rage of the ...
In this work, we show that using the well-known Landau-Zener formula in the vicinity of an avoided energy-level crossing will cause considerable errors due to coherent oscillation of the transition probability in a single-passage LZT experiment. The data agree well with the numerical simulations ...
Towards a generalized Landau-Zener formula for an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate in a two-level system We consider the Landau-Zener problem for a Bose-Einstein condensate in a linearly varying two-level system, for the full many-particle system as well as in... D Witthaut,EM Graefe,HJ...