A nonlinear Landau-Zener formula 下载积分: 1200 内容提示: arXiv:1211.7195v2 [math.AP] 10 Apr 2013A NONLINEAR LANDAU-ZENER FORMULAR ´ EMI CARLES AND CLOTILDE FERMANIAN-KAMMERERAbstract. We consider a system of two coupled ordinary differential equa-tions which appears as an envelope equation ...
The resulting Landau-Zener effect makes a new implementation of a general single qubit gate possible. In the dissipative case, with a periodic bias, the level crossing counteracts the interlevel relaxation and drives the system toward a two dimensional attractor. This feature can in principle be ...
Landau-Zener transitions in a level-crossing system with periodic modulations of the diagonal energy - art. no. 061401 We clarify some aspects of population dynamics of a level-crossing system, in which a periodic modulation of the relative energy is superimposed on the ene... YMY Kayanuma -...
We proposed a new method to measure the energy spectrum of a superconducting flux qubit. Different from the conventional frequency spectroscopy, a short triangle pulse is used to drive the qubit through the anticrossing and generates Landau-Zener-St"uckelberg interference patterns, from which the in...
Landau-Zener interferometry in a Cooper-pair box 机译:库珀对盒中的Landau-Zener干涉仪 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 In a driven system, a sequence of Landau-Zener transitions occur, and they may in...
We analyze the applicability of a simple two-level Landau–Zener model to describe the evolution of the probability amplitudes in this realistic system. We show that the Landau–Zener model works very well when it is viewed in the adiabatic basis, but it is not as robust in the diabatic ...
We consider the Landau-Zener problem for a Bose-Einstein condensate in a linearly varying two-level system, for the full many-particle system as well and in the mean-field approximation. The many-particle problem can be solved approximately within an ind
We study the S matrix for the transitions at an avoided crossing of several energy levels, which is a multilevel generalization of the Landau-Zener problem. We demonstrate that, by extending the Schroedinger evolution to complex time, one can obtain an exact answer for some of the transition ...
We study Landau-Zener transitions in a qubit coupled to a bath at zero temperature. A general formula is derived that is applicable to models with a non-degenerate ground state. We calculate exact transition probabilities for a qubit coupled to either a bosonic or a spin bath. The nature of...
We compare the semi-classical and quantum dynamics in the triangle and establish the conditions for their equivalence. 中文翻译: SU(3)横向周期性驱动的Landau-Zener干涉仪 量子三角形可以用作干涉仪。取决于它们的几何尺寸和路径之间的相互作用,观察到“节拍” {\ it和/或}“台阶”图案。我们表明,当...