磁共振(II): Landau-Zener (LZ) 这一篇我们以磁共振现象为物理背景讨论Landau-Zener (LZ)现象和绝热性(adiabaticity)。用经典类比来理解“量子”现象仍然是重要的思考手段之一。 复习:量子力学中的LZ 众所周知,当两个能级之间存在耦合的时候,耦合会打开本来的简并,产生避免交叉(avoided crossing)。把(做完旋转波...
The problem that Landau-Zener theory tries to answer is given the initial coefficient long before the nonadiabatic transition, namely |A(-\infty)|^2, \; |B(-\infty)|^2 , how to determine the long after passing the crossing region, namely |A(\infty)|^2, \; |B(\infty)|^2 . To...
I摘要 能级间的 Landau-Zener 隧穿效应是一种非常重要的量子现象, 它描述一个系统在外场驱动下相邻能级间的量子隧穿。 这种隧穿效应普遍地存在于各类系统中, 如化学系统、 核物理系统和自旋体系等。 本论文主要讲述了线性 Landau-Zener 隧穿效应的基本模型及其在不同驱动下的行为, 并在此基础上介绍了 非线性二...
Landau-Zener隧穿效应是一种非常重要的量子现象,它描述一个系统在外场驱动 下相邻能级间的量子隧穿。这个现象是1932年由3个物理学家:朗道(Landau) [1] 、 基纳(Zener) [2] 和斯塔克伯格(Stueckelberg) [3] 在理论上独立发现的,因此也称为朗 道-基纳-斯塔克伯格隧穿,文献中多称之为朗道-基纳隧穿(Landau-Ze...
Landau-Zener tunneling 光子晶格Kerr型非线性Landau-Zener隧穿Nonlinear Landau-Zener tunneling in two-dimensional photonic lattices of Kerr nonlinearity media is investigated. We first derive the nonlinear three-level Landau-Zener model in photonic lattices for the case of hexagonal symmetry, and then ...
A comprehensive theory of the Landau-Zener transition in quadratic nonlinear two-state systems is developed. A compact analytic formula involving elementary functions only is derived for the final transition probability. The formula provides a highly accurate approximation for the whole rage of the ...
1. Nonlinear Landau-Zener tunneling in two-dimensional photonic lattices 二维周期光子晶格中的非线性Landau-Zener隧穿更多例句>> 2) nonlinear Landau-Zener tunneling 非线性Landau-Zener隧穿 1. Two-level model of light propagation in photonic lattices and nonlinear Landau-Zener tunneling 光子晶格中...
1. Adiabatic Landau-Zener tunnelling in nonlinear three-level system; 非线性三能级体系的绝热朗道-齐纳隧穿2) Landau-Zener tunneling model 朗道-齐纳隧穿(LZT)模型3) Landau-Zener tunnelling 朗道-基纳隧穿4) Zener tunneling 齐纳隧穿 1. It is found that in a high electric field electrons ...
For a SOC BEC, the Landau–Zener (LZ) transition between the dressed eigenlevels occurs as the BEC is accelerated through the SOC-avoided crossing, which corresponds to a breakdown of the spin momentum locking. In our scheme, two LZ pulses are separated by an intermediate holding period of ...