在本文中我们要用Landau-Zener transition的理论解释为什么我们过去赢了,未来我们怎样继续赢这一重大历史命题。我们发现引入周期驱动可以使赢的概率上升到1,也就是100%赢的状态。这一现象还有待于进一步探索。 赢的Landau-Zener Transition 考虑一个两能级系统,Hamiltonian是 H=vtσz+Δσx ,这里第一项是某种驱动力...
I. Strong-coupling Limit当耦合强度足够大时,我们上一节的方法就不适用了。我们转而探究,在强耦合极限下,绝热性是否会丧失。 这一次我们将整个Hamiltonian写成 \begin{align} H(t)=&H_{d}(t)+H_{\Delta} \…
A comprehensive theory of the Landau-Zener transition in quadratic nonlinear two-state systems is developed. A compact analytic formula involving elementary functions only is derived for the final transition probability. The formula provides a highly accurate approximation for the whole rage of the ...
We study the Landau-Zener transition with the quantum Zeno effect in an opendissipative system populated by a large number of bosons. Given the quantumZeno effect is strong enough, both discrete and continuous quantum Zenomeasurements are found to stabilize the Landau-Zener transition. Both the$\...
One must take care assessing LZSM-transition studies, because, outside the magnetic resonance literature, non-adiabatic losses are often called “dissipation” despite their being due to neither T1 nor T2 relaxation. While numerous studies have modeled T2 losses during an LZSM transition [23], [...
Keywords:quantumadiabatictransition;Landau-Zenertunneling;two-levelmodel;BEC 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的 研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人 或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已 ...
We use recent results on precise coupling terms in the optimal superadiabatic basis in order to determine exponentially small transition probabilities in the adiabatic limit of time-dependent two-level systems. As examples, we discuss the Landau-Zener and the Rosen-Zener models.This...
We study theoretically the Landau-Zener transition in this model. Analytical solution for the transition probability is possible when the oscillator is highly excited, i.e., at high temperatures. Then the relative change of the excitation level of the oscillator in the course of the transition is...
For a SOC BEC, the Landau–Zener (LZ) transition between the dressed eigenlevels occurs as the BEC is accelerated through the SOC-avoided crossing, which corresponds to a breakdown of the spin momentum locking. In our scheme, two LZ pulses are separated by an intermediate holding period of ...
Intermediate periodic "saddle-splay" nematic phase in the vicinity of a nematic-smectic-A transition We consider possible spontaneous modulations of the nematic director induced by the elastic saddle-splay K24 term when the value of the elastic constant K2... G Barbero,VM Pergamenshchik - 《Phys...