I. Strong-coupling Limit当耦合强度足够大时,我们上一节的方法就不适用了。我们转而探究,在强耦合极限下,绝热性是否会丧失。 这一次我们将整个Hamiltonian写成 \begin{align} H(t)=&H_{d}(t)+H_{\Delta} \…
3在landau zener transition 中到这一步就是解方程了,还有一种思路是选取绘景把时间去掉。
非绝热跃迁 (Nonadiabatic Transition) 是体系发生物质、能量和相转换所遵循的基本途径,是自然界各种化学和生物过程的物理学原委。对这一重要的基础科学问题的理论研究始于1932年,Landau和Zener各自独立地提出了非绝热跃迁的半经典模型,用体系始、终态势能曲线相交叉来描述作用粒子 (分子、原子、电子等) 通过交叉点的...
Combining analytical and numerical methods, a simple analytic formula involving elementary functions only is constructed for the final transition probability for the quadratic-nonlinear Landau-Zener problem. The formula provides a highly accurate approximation for the whole rage of the variation of the ...
The system can then either stay in the same en-ergy level that it occupied before the crossing, or it canundergo a transition to the other level. Such a universalphenomenon is ubiquitous and has applications in variousareas of quantum physics. Among the new areas wherethe physics of LZ ...
We study the effect of an environment consisting of noninteracting two level systems on Landau-Zener transitions with an interest on the performance of an adiabatic quantum computer. We show that if the environment is initially at zero temperature, it does not affect the transition probability. An...
A transition between energy levels at an avoided crossing is known as a Landau–Zener transition. When a two-level system (TLS) is subject to periodic driving with sufficiently large amplitude, a sequence of transitions occurs. The phase accumulated between transitions (commonly known as the ...
We study the Landau-Zener transition with the quantum Zeno effect in an opendissipative system populated by a large number of bosons. Given the quantumZeno effect is strong enough, both discrete and continuous quantum Zenomeasurements are found to stabilize the Landau-Zener transition. Both the$\...
以非线性Rosen-Zener隧穿理论为基础,用两分量Bose-Einstein凝聚体设计了非线性Ramsey干涉计。 5) Landau-Zener model Landau-Zener模型 6) Landau-Zener transition Landau-Zener跃迁 补充资料:隧穿效应 分子式: CAS号: 性质:见隧道效应。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。 参考词条...