Both fine nib Safari pens I have used were dry writers until I filled them with Private Reserve Tanzanite. On your recommendation, today I picked up some Private Reserve Tanzanite from Art Brown. It's everything you said it would be: a free-flowing, beautiful color, somewhere in-between bl...
Thanks for the instructions for fixing a loose Safari end cap, they were very useful. I tried used a black self vulcanising electrical tape around the black rubber sleeve but found that it made it too tight. It is trial and error to see how much tape is required to go around the rubbe...
The Lamy lady is no longer available I guess. My Highschool girlfriend had a cp1 - that was the early 80s (in Germany). I remember the Safari release but the pen didn't write very well - it was dry and scratchy. I absolutely love the abc and have three of them. I think a Lamy...
I began practicing flow adjustment on a batch of ultra-cheap Jinhao pens. But a Lamy Safari is not a huge risk since you can't ruin the pen itself - the nibs are replaceable - and Lamy nibs are not very expensive on the scale of fountain pen purchases, so eve...
Lamy 2000 is one of the most recommended pens on Fountain Pen Network, in part because it is fairly common and relatively inexpensive; because it combines refined design sensibilities, an advanced piston mechanism for taking in and putting out ink, and a gold nib; and because the Lamy firm ...
Greetings! Hoping to get some advice. I have a Safari Orange Flame (orange plastic with red clip & dot button) & I love this pen. However, I noticed that there are 2 hairline cracks at the nib end of the section. There is a scant amount of ink leakage &