Lamy Safari Fountain Pen - Charcoal - Fine ¥22.6美 去购买 24刀还能直邮,想想还是很值得的,然后就有了今天的晒单。 首先上几张开箱照,美亚也真的够下本的,一管钢笔竟然用了一个挺大的盒子送过来。盒子里面只有这管笔和一张发票。不过也是挺不会节约材料的。
I've never seen a Lamy Safari USA Independence Day fountain pen. Thank you for posting the images above. Such vivid colors! It's helpful to see both the pen and the handwriting sample. Tom K. They just came out with them this year. I thought they looked cool. Festina lente Absence of...
In this case, the review here is part of a review of pens “we like”, rather than, “oooh look what we got”. We would like to introduce to you, the Lamy Safari. The Pen Lamy Safari, in charcoal finish, with matching black nib, supplied with cartridge convertor and a free ink ca...
This entry was posted inFountain Pens,Reviewsand taggeddigitize handwriting,encode,encode notebook,Lamy,review,Rollerball,safarionJanuary 24, 2022. Lamy Safari Candy Mango Fountain Pen Review This pen was kindly sent to me byEndless Pens– thank you! Measurements Length (capped): 139.6 mm/5....
You might not have guessed, because of the lack of Lamy posts onBleistift, but Lamy is one if the stationery brands I feel strongly connected to. It all started about 1985 when I got my first LamySafarifountain pen. From that point onwards I only usedSafarifountain pens in school. After...
美国亚马逊 Lamy Safari White Fountain Pen - Fine Nib L19-WE-F历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Lamy Safari Fountain Pen Black Fine Nib L19-BK-F
德国凌美LAMY钢笔SAFARI狩猎者2019限量马卡龙色 钢笔Lamy Safari 2019 Blue Macaron Fountain Pen 2288 0 01:00 App 德国LAMY凌美Aion永恒纪元系列钢笔2019年限量倾城红帝国蓝 LAMY aion fountain pen timp lapse 1866 0 00:59 App 德国LAMY/凌美 JOY喜悦系列2019年限量版美工钢笔套装 白杆红夹 Lamy joy 2948 0...
美国亚马逊 Lamy Safari Al-Star Fountain Pen - Silver, Extra-Fine Nib L25EF历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Lamy Safari Al-Star Fountain Pen - Silver, Extra-Fine Nib L25EF
原价$37.00,现5.8折售价$21.58,现下单可锁价,直邮运费$2.14,直邮到手¥154元即可到手,国内专柜价狩猎者系列¥398一支。EF尖=0.4~0.5MM,F尖=0.6~0.7MM,F尖粗一点,写字很扎实,我个人喜欢F尖。亚马逊购买地址>>|美国亚马逊Amazon直邮手把手教程>> LAMY Safari Fountain Pen Neon Coral Fine Nib (L41F)凌美狩猎...
The pen itself writes like a dream. As others have noted, it’s somewhat surprisingly hefty - a noticeable difference if you’re upgrading from a Safari, for sure. Despite the extra weight, couldn’t be happier - I’m looking for more reasons to (hand)write as a result. Was this ...