Lamy Safari Fountain Pen - Charcoal - Fine ¥22.6美 去购买 24刀还能直邮,想想还是很值得的,然后就有了今天的晒单。 首先上几张开箱照,美亚也真的够下本的,一管钢笔竟然用了一个挺大的盒子送过来。盒子里面只有这管笔和一张发票。不过也是挺不会节约材料的。
美国亚马逊 Lamy Safari Fountain Pen (19F) White + 5 Black Ink Cartridges历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Lamy Safari Fountain Pen (13F) Pink + 5 Black Ink Cartridges
原价$37.00,现5.8折售价$21.58,现下单可锁价,直邮运费$2.14,直邮到手¥154元即可到手,国内专柜价狩猎者系列¥398一支。EF尖=0.4~0.5MM,F尖=0.6~0.7MM,F尖粗一点,写字很扎实,我个人喜欢F尖。亚马逊购买地址>>|美国亚马逊Amazon直邮手把手教程>> LAMY Safari Fountain Pen Neon Coral Fine Nib (L41F)凌美狩猎...
amazing review. Safari was my first fountain pen. From the pics, I guess I have a second generation, came with a white inner cap that disintegrate (literally, into pieces). I have since get a replacement part (black one) and replacement nib (chrome one, wince I think it look better wi...
I own mostly Indian pens and I want to breach out into foreign brands. On, the Loom and Safari cost similar, but people abroad prefer the Safari as it costs cheaper. Given that both cost the same, which one is better? And if there are oth
美国亚马逊 Lamy Safari White Fountain Pen - Fine Nib L19-WE-F历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Lamy Safari Fountain Pen Black Fine Nib L19-BK-F
Limited Edition Line Friends X LAMY Safari Fountain Pen Brown Bear RED Set 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 限量版 Line Friends X LAMY 钢笔套装 99.90 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
And while I only just started with two of their Safari fountain pens, I know I'll love these as well. The fact that you can buy five for the price of any other 'cheap' fountain pen makes it really, really hard for me to spend more on another product. ...
Both fine nib Safari pens I have used were dry writers until I filled them with Private Reserve Tanzanite. On your recommendation, today I picked up some Private Reserve Tanzanite from Art Brown. It's everything you said it would be: a free-flowing, beautiful color, somewhere in-between bl...
美国亚马逊 Lamy Safari Al-Star Fountain Pen - Silver, Extra-Fine Nib L25EF历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Lamy Safari Al-Star Fountain Pen - Silver, Extra-Fine Nib L25EF