Are you aware of the latest labour law updates in China? We highlight the essential legal changes that took place in May 2023 that you should pay attention to across the key states in China! 1. New Minimum Wage Location Effective Date Minimum Wage per Month(RMB) Baoji, Shaanxi Province Ma...
May 11, 2023 FacebookTwitterLinkedIn Stay up-to-date with the latest labour law updates in China. We have compiled essential updates from major cities in China, so you can stay informed in real-time! 1. Mandatory Childcare and Eldercare Leave ...
Companies are facing major changes in labour law that will have a direct impact on work organisation, workforce planning and compliance. How can you make your working models more flexible in the face of increasing competition for skilled workers? How can you make digitalisation in employment law ...
The labour law changes focus on extending leave benefits to parents, guardians, and the sick, introducing part-time employment, and managing redundancy in the workplace. An essential aspect is the ‘Omanisation’ process, where expatriate employees can be replaced by Omani workers in...
The changes bring the law more in line with international labour standards, a requirement for Bangladesh to continue developing countries’ trade benefits from trade blocs such as the European Union.
The changes, which were enacted November 17, 2023, amend General Obligations Law Section 5-336 (GOL 5-336) to prohibit employers from including nondisclosure language within release agreements for claims involving “discrimination, harassment, or retaliation”, unless “the condition of confidentiality...
General comment:Steepincreases in UK immigration feeshave already been implemented since October 2023. TheImmigration Health Surcharge also rose significantlyfrom February 2024. The next Government may wish to evaluate the impact of these recent changes before planning any further upward or downward adjust...
The changes, which were enacted November 17, 2023, amend General Obligations Law Section 5-336 (GOL 5-336) to prohibit employers from including nondisclosure language within release agreements for claims involving “discrimination, harassment, or retaliation”, unless “the condition of confidentiality...
2023 has seen several significant developments in Indian labour law, including amendments to existing laws and the ongoing implementation of the new labour codes. Here's a breakdown of the fundamental changes and how Shram Suvidha plays a role: Labour Law Amendments 2023 Social Security Code (Amend...
1.1 What are the main sources of employment law? The main sources of employment law in Nigeria are as follows: the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) (the “Constitution”); the Labour Act, Chapter L1, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (“LFN”) 2004 (the...