An implant labeling technique employing sable hair probes as carriers for 3H-thymidine: Applications to the study of facial morphogenesis An implant labeling technique is described that utilizes sable hair probes as carriers for a tritiated thymidine marker. The protocol that was developed pr... Scott...
The ease of preparation of ~(153)Sm-HA, the high efficiency of labeling and low leakage from the joint make ~(153)Sm-HA attractive for radiation synovectomy.Angkanan Aungurarat1999 Workshop on the Utilization of Research Reactors November 25 - December 2 JAERI Tokai/Mito Plaza Hotel, Japan...
diabetic ulcers and the foot 27個詞語 erika_coleman4 預覽 Total Joint Arthroplasty 33個詞語 Hope_Fleming4 預覽 Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Overview 26個詞語 ssdoyle55 預覽 Chapter 25 Patho 80個詞語 ndwinter1129 預覽 Cm 3111 exam 1 quizzes 15個詞語 hdorsett4 預覽 Exam #2 A&P Clinical ...
Semimembranosus- medically rotates flexed knee What is 4 biceps femoris-extends the hip joint What is 5 tensor faciae latae- abducts the hip What is 6 gluteus medius- laterally rotates the hip What is 7 Psoas major- flexes the hip What is 8 During the upward movement of a squat, what...
Six joint TF feature vectors [7] are extracted from each signal while each vector consists of three features: Sh, i.e., sparsity of the signal in time domain; Sw, i.e., sparsity of the signal in frequency domain; and Dw, i.e., abrupt changes in frequency domain. The applied TF fe...
In 10 of 12 patients with infections, (99m)Tc-IL-8 localized the infection at 4 h after injection. In 1 patient with vertebral osteomyelitis and in 1 patient with an infected knee prosthesis, (99m)Tc-IL-8 scintigraphy results were false-negative. In 8 patients with noninfectious disorders...
MR relaxometry of the nanoparticles was performed using a clinical 1.5 T whole body MR system (Siemens Sonata, Erlangen, Germany) in combination with a knee radio frequency coil for excitation and signal reception. Five SPIO nanoparticle samples were dispersed in distilled water at iron ...